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"Hello everyone! Yes yes, still alive. I know its bee a while since I've uploaded anything but i promise im here to stay." I say speaking to the camera.

"As you may see i got two people with me today. The first is my lovely boyfriend, Aryia. I know youve seen him before in the band. The second is my new best friend, Katie and she is also the sister of my dear friend Colby."

They both wave.

"Now you may wonder, why? Am i getting the band back? Yes i am. Kind of?"

"How so?" Aryia says as scripted.

"Because my dear, only you and i are the original members."

Aryia smiled.

"Katie, why dont you tell them about yourself?" I asked the girl.

"Well hi guys. My names Katie, im going to be the new drummer. I strangely enough was a fan of the original band and never expected myself to be in one. Coincidentally, my brother Colby was the one that got me this gig. Im super excited to see where i go with the band. I cant wait." She smiles and waves to the camera.

There was a knock on the studio door, time to announce the surprise member.

"Now you may be wondering, where the rest of them are. Well unfortunately they will not be joining the band anymore but we now get to introduce another new member. He will be the new bass player." I say grabbing the phone we were facing and walking to the door.

"It is also our first time meeting this man as an official member of the band. Im super excited." Katie says loud enough for the camera to pick up.

I open the door that was knocked upon and greet the man briefly showing his face to the camera and then bringing him in to show Katie and Aryia.

"OH HECK TO THE YES! I WAS HOPING TO DEATH IT WAS THIS GUY! HE WAS BY FAR MY FAVORITE! THE DUDE CAN SING TOO!!!" Aryia calls out screaming loudly and jumping up and down.

"Now i feel bad for not hearing him." Katie frowns.

"Dont worry...you will." I smile.


After we finished recording the video i sent all the clips to my email so i could edit it later.

For a while Katie, Jake, Aryia, and i spent some time just talking and getting to know Jake as our new official member.

"So Jake, i know you sing and play guitar right?" Aryia asked.

"I do." Jake nods.

"What else can you do or what do you like doing on freetime? Like whats home like for you?" He asked.

"Well, i have an apartment that i live in with my cat and dog. I dabble in piano just a bit and make youtube gaming videos." Jake says to Aryia. *

"Well thats great. Youre a pretty talented guy."

"Well thank you."

"Okay guys i actually have an announcement to make, sorry." I say interrupting the conversations and standing up.

"Whats wrong?" Aryia asked.

"Nothing dont worry its good news. Katie also might know a little bit about this too."

"Oh wait is it...okay i know what it is." Katie responds.

"Anyway...i went to the doctor with Katie the other day and i found out...well i found out that i am with child..."




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