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"I cant believe this is our last practice!" Katie frowns, walking to the drumset.

We had all just made it to the studio, it was the day before the big label audition.

"Weve been doing great though. So there is no reason for them not to accept us." Jake commented, setting his case on the couch and getting his instrument out.

"Youre right. We're going to nail the audition tomorrow!" Aryia said walking into the room, me right behind him.

We were all a bit nervous deep down, but we cant let that show. Its going to effect our performance if we let it surface too much.

"Okay guys, lets do this. Lets rock this final practice! Then lets rock the audition tomorrow so bad that it knocks the owners sock off!" I say as i finish readying my mic stand.

"Wait, weve been practicing two different songs so which one are we doing?" Jake asked.

"I actually dont know. Lets practice both, then well vote...then practice that one again." I suggest.

"Sounds good to me!" Aryia chimes.

"Hey shes the boss right?" Jake asked jokingly.

"Wait guys! I just realized something!" Katie called out after a few minutes of silence.

"Whats wrong?" I asked the girl.

"What times the auditions tomorrow?"

"We have to be there by 11, why?"

"We could always meet and practice one very last time. The labels place isnt too far from here."

"Thats true, but thats asking for everyone at al earlier time..."

They all assured me that they wouldnt mind, they want to nail this as much as i do. Aryias reasoning being he lives with me.

"I guess its settled then." I said. "Alright lets start with Losers. After the last chord plays ill look at you all and nod, from there well go right into If Theres A Hell. Got it?"

They all nodded in confirmation.


SORRY! I know its been a few days since if updated this book and i apologize!

I always feel weird when i dont update for a few days so im sorry if its a little off.

I was kinda scared my ranking would be gone but i wouldnt matter because Lyra could get her ranking back!!

I hope you guys enjoyed this and if you wanna check out i just started writing a new story that features sam colby aryia and seth!

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