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Kaianna fiddled with her dress as she sat on the velvet sofa. It was ironically the first moment of silence she'd had all day. It could've been peaceful if it weren't for the hammering of her heart. The trees blurred into patches of green and brown, there and then gone all within seconds. She let herself get lost in the smudges of color, rather than in her thoughts, her eyes searching for even a hint of calmness.

"There's food in the dining car if you want some." Kaianna's focus moved to put a face to the words, and she fought the urge to sigh.

"I'm not hungry."

Finnick's eyes lingered on the girl's face, for longer then she'd like but, he'd never know that she felt nervous under his gaze. He made her feel like he was figuring her out, and he wasn't someone she wanted to have that with. Even if she did, she couldn't afford it.

"Look," He sighed, and sat himself down next to her on the violet cushion before starting to trace the black victorian pattern, "I know we're not exactly the bestest of friends and you might not want to talk to me, and that's fine. I get it, I really do-"

"And yet you're still here trying to force a conversation."

"Do you ever let anyone finish a sentence?" Finnick laughed, and finally focused on her eyes.

"Do you ever get tired of the sound of your own voice?" It was finally Kaianna's turn wear a smirk.

"I can't say that I do," Finnick retorted proudly. He shook his head humorously as Kaianna rolled her eyes, "look. We don't have to get along but, I think it'd be our best bet to work together."

"Yes because forming an alliance with my district partner, has worked out so well for me in the past." She let out a chuckle, but it was dry. Her heart ached at the memory of Hayden. Finnick couldn't tell.

"Well you're alive, aren't you," Finnick mumbled. For a second, Kaianna saw something in him. She couldn't tell what it was, clouding his oceanic eyes but, before she could try to decipher it any further, it faded away, "physically at least. I mean I think it's pretty obvious that you are almost, if not completely dead inside."

She let out a half-hearted laugh at the man's jab, and he let himself smile at the sound, "I think we're all on verge of being dead inside, if we're gonna be honest."

"Fair point." His smile softened, but didn't fade completely.

The pairing sat in silence for a lot of the journey. Kaianna couldn't say she enjoyed Finnick's company but, she had found it to be more tolerable than she ever thought she would. However, when he sat up straighter, and his leg brushed against hers, she was terrified of the feeling that seared through her.

"There they are," Saphire's squeal brought the partners out of their trance, "my victors!"

"I think it's fair to say that the title 'victor' has been temporarily revoked at best." Kaianna sighed.

Finnick let out an instant hum of disapproval, "We won our games fair and square. Or, at least I did."

She knew his reference to her use of the force field in her games was a joke, and that almost made it worse. It made her sick to think that he could sit around, being all optimistic all the time.

"Finnick." Her voice came out softly.

"Kaianna." He winked.

"Do you understand, why we're here?"


"Do you understand that we're being sent off to kill people," Kaianna was starting to genuinely believe that he forgot. Maybe he never even understood the gravity of the situation to start with. How else could he stay so light hearted, "and not even just random people we don't know. No, this time -because it's the second time by the way- we are being sent to kill off, the only people we've ever connected with. The only people who understand why we are the way that we are, and what we've gone through. Do you get that?"

Finnick's heart sank. She couldn't tell.

"How could I not," He covered his guilt by smiling brightly, "especially when it seems to be the only thing you want to talk about?"

"Right so obviously you do understand," Kaianna smiled weakly, her heart discreetly aching at the sarcasm in his nod, "so, what about it makes you laugh so hard? What's so funny?"

Finnick's eyes softened when they met her's. Before he could explain himself, and really let her know that he wasn't actually a pompous asshole, and was instead trying to cope in the way he'd been conditioned to, Saphire chimed in.

"Anyways," The escort chuckled awkwardly, attempting to relieve the newfound tension in the air, "once we arrive, you'll be set up in your suite. The rest of tonight is your's but, first thing tomorrow we'll hand you off to your stylists so, they can- fix you up for the parade! You're main stylist is called Thaddeus, he'll be there to greet you!"

"Great." Kaianna smiled falsely.

Saphire sighed, "Yes. Maybe you could use the time to fresh up on your manners?"

Finnick tried and failed to hide his laughter as the bright haired woman, left the cart, in no doubt wanting to get away from the pair.

"Do you ever get bored?" Kaianna asked, shooting daggers out of her eyes and into his.

"Of what?" Finnick was truly interested in what the woman might have to say.

"Being so brainless?" She smiled innocently.

"I don't know," He smiled back, "do you ever get tired of being so oblivious?"

She didn't have time to ask him what he meant before he got up, and headed towards the food cart. He came back within a couple minutes, and when he returned, he held a plate of food in each hand.

"Here," He sat one of the plates down on the side of the dining table, that was closer to Kaianna, "I don't know what you like, so I just grabbed a little of everything."

"I said I wasn't hungry." She mumbled hesitantly, slightly taken off guard from his kindness.

"And you also said I'm not a good listener." He smirked.

"I actually never said that." Despite her teasing shrug, Kaianna sat at the table and picked up a fork, letting out a satisfied nod when she took a bite.

"Right, I'm sorry," Finnick feigned regret, "you just insinuated it when you asked me if I get bored of talking so much!"

"Ok maybe you aren't a good listener," Finnick almost smiled at the hint of humor that tinted in Kaianna's eyes as she teased him further, "because I didn't say you get bored of talking, I asked if you get tired of talking."

"Well the answer is no, I don't." He shook his head, finally letting a small smile through.

"May I ask how the hell that could be possible?" Kaianna's words were muffled, due to her mouth being full.

"Language!" Saphire peaked her head out of the doorway, with a stern tone.

"Well, how could anyone get tired of talking to you?"

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now