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"Would you stand still," Saphire snapped, fighting an eye roll as she flattened out Kaianna's dress, "you look great!"

Kaianna stared at her reflection in the mirror, taking in the sleeveless, aqua gown. The fabric hugged her curves perfectly, and spilled all the way to the floor behind her. Her braids were down, with the exception of a few that were pulled back out of her face.

"She's right." Her eyes found Finnick's in her reflection, and she stepped into the pair silver stilettos that were laid out for her, trying her best to ignore the smirk on his lips.

"I couldn't give a fuck less about what I look like, I don't want to be here." Kaianna scoffed.

"Language!" Saphire gasped sternly.

"See! There's nothing to worry about! She is perfectly herself," Finnick grinned humorously as he came up behind his partner, and pulled her back into his chest, "although maybe that's what we should be worried about, huh."

"Saphire," Thaddeus put his hand on the escort's shoulder, and tilted his head towards the exit of the room, "why don't we...leave."

His hand moved to her back, and he pushed them away from the conversation silently.

Kaianna sighed shakily, letting herself relax partially, "I don't know how I'm gonna do this. Make people like me? I mean, come on,. You've met me."

"Yes, I have," Finnick bit his lip to stifle his laughter as he put his hands on her shoulders and turned her to face him, "but, I don't know. You've done it before."

"And the deal was, I'd never have to do it again," Kaianna laughed cynically, "yet here we are. I look great though!"

The latter of her statement was tainted in sarcasm, and almost resentment.

"Look on the bright side-"

"But that's your job."

"Just like interrupting is yours?" His eyebrows rose challengingly.

"I'm listening."

Finnick found himself examining her hazel-green orbs, once again. They were only a few shades darker than his, "Just go out there and be yourself. Maybe a little happier though."


"Beetee," Caesar looked at the man standing across from him seriously, every once and awhile glancing at the audience before them, "you've contributed so much to Panem over the years. I don't know who we will miss more. You, or your brain."

The audience let out a chorus of chuckles.

"The quarter quell was written into law by men, certainly it can be unwritten."

Kaianna shook her head at the silence, confused by the scene saw unfolding on the monitor in front of her. It was really that simple, yet no one seemed to understand. She fumbled with the top of her dress nervously.

"It seems as though everyone has made a silent pact to say what they can to stop the games," Thaddeus pushed one of Kaianna's braids over her shoulder, before rubbing her back softly, "it's a good idea, and I think you should run with it."

"Right." She sighed.

"Honestly just be yourself. And, not some pepped up, styled version. You are a force. So, let them see it," Her stylist grinned, truly proud of the woman standing before him, and suddenly feeling the need to tell her, "I'm proud of you. Try to focus on what you can find, to be proud of yourself."

He kissed her cheek, then let Saphire pursue her.

"Ah my dear," Saphire's tongue clicked in awe, "you look simply exquisite."

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now