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"Johanna!" Finnick called out to the girl, as he ran towards her.

"Finnick," Johanna said confused, "Finnick!"

Kaianna followed Finnick as soon as she heard Johanna's voice.

"Well," Peeta sighed, "I guess we have more allies."

With that, Katniss and him were following suit, and racing towards Johanna, Beetee, and Wiress, with caution.

"What happened to you?" Kaianna said frantically.

Finnick was too focused on staring wide eyed at each tribute to speak.

"Well," Johanna sighed. She was stained in red from head to toe, "I got them out!"

Kaianna tucked a braid behind her ear, before laying her hands on Johanna's shoulders and wiping the liquid off of her eyes, "Oh my god, is this blood?"

Finnick then stepped closer to the pair of girls, as he reached for Kaianna's now stained hands.

"We were all the way deep in the jungle, where I thought it was gonna be safe," Johanna laughed sourly, "and that's when the rain started."

She stepped away from Kaianna and Finnick, letting her axe slide so that she was gripping closer to the top, "I thought it was water? It turned out to be blood. Hot, thick, blood, was coming down-"

Kaianna pulled away from her partner softly, before rinsing her hands off in the water in front of them.

"Tick tok-" Wiress said frantically, stomping out of the water.

"and it was choking us! We were just- stumbling around, gagging on it blind," Johanna started pacing as she continued the explanation, "That's when Blight hit the force field."

"Tick tok." Wiress repeated.

"He wasn't much but, he was from home." Johanna's head tilted back when she started fighting the urge to cry.

"I'm sorry Jo." Kaianna mumbled.

"Tick tok."

"What's wrong with her?" Katniss wondered.

"She's in shock," Beetee rose from the sea water, taking his glasses off as Finnick grabbed his shoulder to check on him, "and dehydration isn't helping. Do you have fresh water?"

"We can get some-"

Katniss's response was cut short by Johanna grunting, "Just-"

"Tick tok."

Johanna tried to yank herself out of the older woman's grip, but Wiress seemed adamant on getting whatever point she was trying to explain across.

"Tick tok-"

"Just- listen-" Johanna yelled angrily.

"Tick tok-"

Johanna flung Wiress around, still trying to separate from her but, getting more violent by the second, "Stop it! Just, stop!"

"Hey," Katniss yelled at Johanna, "lay off her!"

The girl threw her bow in the sand, and rushed towards Johanna after Wiress was shoved roughly to the ground. Without thinking, Johanna shoved Katniss, prompting Katniss to attack her.

"Alright," Finnick muttered a string of unpleasant words as he pulled Johanna away, Peeta grabbing Katniss, "hey!"

"What are you doing," Johanna growled at the young girl, "I got them out for you!"

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now