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As the group continued climbing the path that lead to the lightning tree, suddenly the anthem sounded again. This warranted each tribute to halt, and stare up at the sky.

"You know," Kaianna scoffed, "somehow, over all this time, that sound has gotten less and less comforting."

"Yes Kaianna, I think that's the goal." Peeta chuckled.

They all stood still, and let the memorial play out. Beetee's focus moved to the ground when Wiress's picture appeared, Peeta following suit at the sight of the female morphling. Johanna let out a small breath when her district partner's picture appeared. Kaianna rubbed her shoulder comfortingly, prompting her to let out a small, reassuring smile.

"Let's keep moving." Finnick said carefully, after a few seconds of silence.

They stopped walking again, when their destination came into view. Katniss pushed the end of Finnick's trident away from her aggressively, to give herself more room, causing Kaianna to let out a light laugh.

"Minimal charring," Beetee said curiously, "impressive conductor. Let's get started."

With that queue, the six of them moved towards the tree, cautiously but, quick.

"Typically a lightning strike holds five billion joules of energy," Beetee explained as he quickly wrapped the wire around the tree, "so, we don't want to be anywhere in the vicinity when this hits."

He then unraveled the coil a bit more, and held it out towards Katniss, "You two girls go together now."

Katniss had a nervous look when she took the coil into her hands.

"Take this. Unspool it carefully," Beetee said quickly focusing on Johanna, "make sure the entire coil is in the water, do you understand?"

Katniss looked at Johanna, Kaianna thought she looked almost scared. Then, she came to a realization. Katniss still didn't trust them. She was scared. She still thought she was supposed to die.

"Then head to the tree at the two o'clock sector," Beetee instructed the girls carefully, "we'll meet you there."

"I'm gonna go with them, as a guard." Peeta said instantly.

And now, Kaianna understood completely. Peeta and Katniss wanted to be together so they could break from the group. They didn't feel safe. It was understandable but, a hindrance to the plan. They couldn't go off together because they both needed protection.

"No, no, no," Beetee rushed out, "I need you here. To protect me, and the tree."

Finnick gazed between the pair, seemingly coming to the very conclusion that Kaianna had earlier. Except he wasn't understanding. He was annoyed. He just wanted them to understand that this was all for them, and they couldn't seem to do that.

"No, I need to go with her." Peeta said sternly.

"There are two careers out there," Beetee retorted, "I need two guards."

"Kaianna's standing right there." Katniss sassed.

"Finnick, and Kaianna would do just fine protecting you-" Peeta explained.

"Or Johanna can stay instead of Peeta and Peeta, and I can take the coil-" Katniss jumped in.

Beetee was starting to get frustrated, "You all agreed to keep me alive until midnight, correct?"

"It's his plan," Johanna added sternly, "we all agreed to it."

"Yeah, I mean, is there a problem here?" Finnick said aggressively.

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now