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"Get off of me," Kaianna yelled aggressively. She pulled and tugged away from the men in white but, couldn't get out of their grip, "get the hell off of me!"

Screams kept cutting out of the girls throat, and her body felt like someone had taken a torch to it. Kaianna clawed at the men who were dragging her, making sure to aim her screams at their ears. Not that they would listen.

Maybe she didn't even have a voice. Maybe she was dead and this was hell. She didn't know where she was. She didn't know where anyone was. All she did know, was that she was alone. Again.

"Get off of me," She repeated, her voice leaving a chill behind in her throat, "what the fuck are you doing?"

Kaianna kept screaming profanities, crazily, as she was forced into a white room, and strapped to a chair. The cold metal sent a chill through her as it jabbed into her skin, causing her to thrash around like a wild animal. She tossed herself around violently, doing anything that served any chance of setting her free.

"Now now Miss Rivers," Her body stilled at the echoing voice. She hadn't felt that scared in years. The words left the man's pale lips, as if they were spiders, breaking there way out of his mouth, "there's no need for fit throwing. We can't have everything our own way."

Kaianna's eyes raked over the white haired president, almost in fear but, mostly in hatred. He took everything from her, and yet still came back for more.

"What am I doing here?" She growled.

"There's also no reason for hostility," Snow smiled, but the sour tone soaked through, poisoning it, "I've just brought you and your friends in for a little chat. How long you stay, depends solely on you, and your willingness to cooperate."

"And what happens if I just tell you to go to hell?" Kaianna muttered, still weak from her combat in the arena.

"Well let's just say, that wouldn't be the best decision." He nodded simply.

"You can't hurt me," Kaianna mumbled, "you've already taken everything from me."

"I wouldn't quite say everything," Snow said softly. His tone was falsely comforting, "you're...friends are here as well. In fact, they're in the rooms directly next to you! Everyone you care about, is in my grasp. Again."

Kaianna hid her pain well, but it didn't feel like it. She kicked herself for becoming attached. Love leads to pain. Trust leads to demise. She knew this. Yet, she couldn't stop herself.

"And?" She muttered, holding her tears in with everything she had.

"So, think of them! We wouldn't want them going through so much pain, when it's so unnecessary. So, preventable?" President Snow's eyebrows flicked up as his red stained lips twisted into a sadistic smile.

"You think I care about them? Just because we were working together? I just wanted to stay alive."

"Oh, Ms.Rivers," Snow clicked his tongue and shook his head, "you can only fool me so many times. Besides, even if I believed you didn't care, I don't believe you'd want innocent people dead."

"And, what would I have to do?" She wondered slowly.

"Well you see Kaianna it's really so simple," He shrugged, "you help me, and I'll help you!"

"Just tell me what the fuck you want!" Kaianna spat, disgusted with the thing in front of her that dared to call himself a man. Who dared to call himself a leader.

Snow clicked his tongue sourly, "Fix your tone."

"Sir yes sir." She said sarcastically.

The president let out a monotone hum, "What do you know about the rebellion?"

"What rebellion?" Kaianna shrugged immediately.

"Kaianna," Snow's stern tone, was followed by a serious head shake, "now this whole thing will get a whole lot easier, once we both decide not to lie to one another."

"Ok well than in that case, I don't know shit about a rebellion, and I have no clue what you're talking about."

Of course it was a lie but, she didn't intend on letting him know that.

"Is that so," Snow stepped towards the woman, chuckling when she nodded weakly, "your district partner seemed to have a different story when we spoke to him."

This time, Kaianna had to put more effort into hiding the look on her face, "Well- him and I didn't get along that well so, I'm not surprised he'd hide this from me."

"I doubt that."

"Ok," Kaianna shrugged, "you have Finnick, and I can't give you what you want. Why not just kill me off them?"

"Because that would be a waste. I don't want to kill you Miss Rivers. I want you to tell me the truth," Snow gazed off thoughtfully, before shrugging his shoulders in a plastic defeat, "but, oh well. I see how you're aiming to play these games. Just be careful Miss Rivers, because the games, are very close to turning into a war. A war that you will not win."

"Good thing I am telling you the truth then." She smiled weakly.

"I understand completely," Snow nodded at one of the nurses that had come into the room, with a cart full of needles. Kaianna sensed that she must've let her fear show on her face, at the smile that appeared on his, "oh, don't worry darling! Just some medicine to ease your mind, so the decision of being honest, will come easier to you."

A hiss broke out of Kaianna's mouth when the needle jabbed into her arm, and a liquid poured into her veins, "You can't do this."

"Oh dear," He sent her one last evil smile, but it became blurrier by the second, "I already have."


That's the end! Let me know what you think! I'll most likely do a second book following the plot of mockingjay, even if this book doesn't get many reads. I just want to give this book a little time on its own first! Thank you for your time, and I really hope you liked it! :)

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