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"This entire arena seems to be laid out like a clock," Katniss explained. The entire group was walking up a path of rocks, to the cornucopia, "with a new threat, every hour but, they stay only within their wedge."

"It starts with the lighting. Then the blood rain, fog, monkeys. That's the first four hours," The girl from twelve continued, "at ten, that big wave hits, from over there."

"Wiress, you're a genius." Finnick smiled towards the older woman as he passed her, and she returned the action.

"The tail points to twelve." Peeta added.

"That's where the lightning strikes at noon and midnight." Katniss explained.

"Strikes where?" Beetee had his hands wrapped around a line of wire.

Katniss pointed off into the distance, "That big tree."

"Good." Beetee said simply.

Wiress started mumbling a nursery rhyme to herself as she crouched down on some of the rocks, that were closer to the water. Kaianna looked at her for a moment, before stepping closer to the group, who was now gathering around Peeta. The boy drew a circle into the dirt with his machete.

"So twelve to one: lighting. Then one to two is blood, then fog, then monkeys." He mumbled as he drew lines to separate the sections.

Kaianna smiled weakly at Wiress when the older woman turned herself around, and they made eye contact.

"Then ten to eleven's the wave," Katniss added, pulling Kaianna's attention back to the group, "what about everything else? Did you guys see anything?"

Everyone shook their heads.

"Nothing but blood." Johanna scoffed.

"Well," Kaianna sighed, "I'm sure we'll find out eventually."

"It doesn't matter," Peeta shrugged, "as long as we steer clear of whichever sector's active, we'll be safe."

"Yeah, relatively speaking." Finnick's dry chuckle was cut off by Wiress letting out a gasp.

"Fuck." Kaianna hissed.

Before anyone could make a move to stop him, Gloss -the male tribute from district one- had lodged his knife into Wiress's neck, and taken it out. Katniss instantly fired an arrow, striking him in the middle of his chest. Sending him falling back into the water with the sound of his cannon.

"Watch out!" Kaianna yelled the warning to Katniss, giving Johanna the opportunity to shove the girl out of the way, and throw her ax. The metal weapon lodged itself into Cashmere's chest, eliminating District one from the fight completely.

Another tribute had made his way into the fight, and Finnick shoved Peeta out of the way so he could deal with the career hinself. The dirty-blonde thrusted his trident towards Brutus, and then held it up to keep the man's spear from slicing into his throat. The two kept attempting to strike, continuously being blocked by each other's weapons. Finnick was finally able to get Brutus onto the ground, and took his aim.

Seconds before he could strike, Katniss drew another arrow, and let it fly towards the pair, seemingly not caring that she didn't have an open shot. Finnick winced when her arrow sliced his shoulder, and Kaianna sent the girl a glare of disappointment. The chance at Brutus's cannon, was swept away as he got up to retreat.

Katniss ignored both of her allie's looks of disapproval to fire another arrow, again missing her target. Peeta went to follow the man but, Finnick shoved him back, giving Kaianna the opportunity to pursue him instead. She had almost caught up to Brutus, when all of a sudden, the cornucopia started spinning. This caused the woman from four to collapse onto the hard rocks. She held on tight to one of the rocks, turning her head at Katniss and Johanna's screams.

Never In Your Favor - Finnick OdairWhere stories live. Discover now