Chapter 2: Zara

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"I was told I'm being dropped off, no room for debate," I said with a sly smirk, enjoying the playful banter. "You'll never find a driver as charming as me," I teased, and he dramatically flipped his nonexistent long hair, striking a pose.

Our laughter filled the room, and just like that, he agreed to drive me. "You're such a drama king," I chuckled, shaking my head at his antics.

Carl glanced at his watch, a mischievous glint in his eye. "Time for an ass whopping," he said, his smirk growing wider. I rolled my eyes, amused by his devious behavior.

"I bet they'll be late, thinking it's just your assistant," he added, his grin growing even wider. I nodded, understanding his plan, and suggested he take a seat.

As I stood up to leave, I stretched my limbs and asked, "By the way, a glass of wine would be lovely," with a wink. Carl burst into laughter, and I headed towards the elevator, feeling his eyes on me.

My secretary greeted me with her signature scowl, her beautiful face furrowed in concern. I sensed there was more to her than met the eye - a depth, a story untold. Her gaze always seemed to hold a hint of disapproval, especially when Carl was around. It was as if I'd taken something that belonged to her, though I knew that wasn't the case.

As I walked away, I couldn't help but think of how we met...

Flashback ****

Here's a rewritten version with a more descriptive and immersive tone:

As I stepped out of my company's doors, my gaze fixed on the screen of my phone, I collided with a figure, and my device slipped from my grasp. The phone hit the ground, its screen shattering into a spiderweb of cracks. But I hardly noticed, my attention captivated by the person I had bumped into.

I lifted my eyes to meet the gaze of a stunning woman, her height mirroring mine. She exuded an edgy elegance, clad in a black t-shirt, black combat boots, and a black leather jacket that seemed to be molded to her physique. Her mid-back silver-blonde hair cascaded down her back, with two braids woven into the middle, framing her heart-shaped face. Her icy blue eyes narrowed, staring at me with a frown, and I sensed a deep-seated dissatisfaction simmering beneath her gaze.

Time seemed to freeze as our eyes locked, the world around us melting away. I was struck by the intensity of her presence, my mind racing to comprehend the complexity of this enigmatic stranger. The air was charged with an unspoken tension, and I felt an inexplicable pull, as if drawn into the depths of her frosty eyes.

"I'm sorry, I hope I didn't hurt you," I apologized respectfully. She only responded with a hmm, which made me raise a brow. I picked up my damaged phone and walked around her, continuing on my way.

The next morning, Carl strolled into my office, a knowing glint in his eye. "I've hired a secretary for you," he announced, his tone casual, yet laced with a brotherly concern that I'd grown accustomed to. I nodded, unfazed, trusting his judgment implicitly.

As I delved into my work, the soft knock on the door broke the silence. "Come in," I called out, my focus still on the papers before me. The clicking of heels echoed through the room, followed by a calm, melodious voice. "Good morning, boss."

I responded with a measured tone, "Good morning to you too," my gaze remaining fixed on the documents. The secretary's presence was a gentle intrusion, her voice a soothing balm that eased into the background of my consciousness.

"Mr. Whyte asked me to bring you this document, ma'am," she said, her words punctuated by the soft rustle of papers. I murmured a distracted "hmm," my attention still riveted on my work.

Just then, Carl swept into the room, his greeting warm and familiar. "Good morning, my love." His endearment brought a smile to my lips, a sense of comfort and camaraderie that only he could evoke.

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