Chapter 7⚠️

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From afar came the sound of police sirens and tireless traffic, steadily making its way through the streets of Seoul.

He reached out to flick the switch and turn on the lamp, which was resting on the bedside table, but quickly changed his mind. The least he needed was bright light. It would be too painful for his tired eyes that burned him constantly.

The man lay motionless on the bed for a few minutes while he stared at the ceiling above him. A small smile creeping across his face as he remembered that he had finally managed to get a few hours of sleep.

And he was grateful to Jungkook who put him to sleep with his voice, which could only be heard in the orchestra of the Gods.

What confused Taehyung was actually the time of day.

You see, he was convinced that he had slept for several hours, maybe two or three, and that it had not yet dawned. He wondered if maybe Jungkook managed to get as much sleep as him and if he would manage to wake up in time for work.

A small giggle left his mouth as he patted the bed with his hand to find his phone and see how long they had been talking last night.

However, the phone was switched off. And with a silent 'fuck' he finally clicked on the switch.

The lamp illuminated a large room filled with expensive furniture. The elder touched the floor with his feet. Thinking he was ready to stand up, his knees buckled and touched the wooden floor. A sob filled the silent apartment.

The clock ticked for a few minutes and he finally turned on the phone which was connected to the charger. It started to vibrate, echoed in the large silent room causing Taehyung to flinch. Notifications and messages coming in and Taehyung's brow furrowed.

As soon as Jungkook's name popped up, he quickly clicked.

Hey, Tae... I managed to get up for work on time, despite your worries that I wouldn't make it... anyway, call me when you wake up. I'm glad if that three-hour call put you to sleep. ( I'll make sure that's taken care of tonight too).

Was it possible Jungkook went to work, but how when it was still dark?

What drew his attention was the date and time. His breath stopped, his eyes widened and his mind clouded.

It was close to midnight but it was another day than he expected. And then he realized that the therapy really worked. Maybe even too much.

He was nervous, hungry, and slept for almost 24 hours.

Without thinking, he called Jungkook, but apart from silence and beeping, he didn't hear anything anymore. His divine voice remained hidden somewhere.

Tae opened the chat once more, while he put a glass of water to his dry mouth with trembling hands. His sore eyes made a mistake. He read the first message, but there were two more unread messages from Jungkook.

Tae, you didn't answer, so I assumed you were busy with work. Now Mr. Go informed me that you are also there. I'm coming soon. See you.

And then another one sent just half an hour ago.

You fooled me, and you weren't there. I thought I would at least get a chance to clarify and opportunity to convince you that maybe I'm not such a bad choice for you.
Or maybe I am after all.
I think I at least deserved an explanation and not just being ignored. Goodbye, Tae.

That fact alone made him nauseous. Because if everything was fine, why didn't Jungkook answer? He quickly typed a message that Tae himself was more confused than Jungkook, he typed that he was asleep and fuck it, there was no time for explanations.

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