Chapter 8

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Taehyung just smiled when he saw a man dressed in a black and white uniform leaving the dock.

The man gave him a smile with a nod when the idol winked at man.

And Jungkook just followed. At first he didn't know why they were in Incheon, at the pier. The elder didn't say anything to him yet. Because of that, Jungkook put on a serious expression, trying to hide the confusion and pounding of his heart which betrayed him more and more every day.

The younger was certainly prepared for the long night ahead. And he knew that the success of his song was becoming more and more visible and this collaboration with the older one threw him into the heavens.

So his assumption that this was just a celebration of success, was realistic for Jungkook.

- Here we are. - Taehyung barely said when he hastily pulled the younger man onto the yacht.

Jungkook was the most beautiful young man he had ever seen in his life. His dark eyes were bright, his ruddy lips slightly parted, his cheeks gently tinged with a rosy hue. And Taehyung was afraid that his restraint would not disappear in the face of his great excitement.

A few steps on the wooden deck of the luxury yacht, led the two to a flawless scene.

The sun has risen from its zenith and seems to be getting redder every second on its way to the west. Beside that breathtaking landscape, there was an endless blue sea which kissed vanilla sky.

It was calm and quiet. Perfect for the kind of love that Tae always wanted.

Only in the background they could hear the raspy voice of Louis Armstrong and the jazz melody that was silenced at times due to the sea wind caressing Jungkook's hair with its breath.

And his breath caught.

In the corner of his eye, he could see the lanterns that were hung in a circle above the table with two chairs. Jungkook was led by Taehyung's hand all the way to that magnificent place and he didn't miss the opportunity to wash away every emotion on Jungkook's face.

Exclusive wine lay in a bowl with ice, while the plates were filled with food that the younger had never tasted in his life. Next to the plate, in the left corner were strawberries, ready to make this evening even more divine.

Tehyung loved strawberries, and he loved Jungkook even more. And just like that he would gladly take the younger in his lap and start feeding him with those same strawberries, while holding an ice cube in his other hand. The ice would continuously melt and drip down his bare abs. Then Taehyung would go down to the younger and gently run his tongue over his neck all the way to his nipples which would be stiff from the irritation of the ice drops... and then...

- Tae, this is... I have no words... - Jungkook's angelic voice interrupted his thoughts and he returned from the near future to the present.

A little nervous, he walked Jungkook to the chair and sat across from him. Along with the food, he served French Saint-Émilion wine, which Taehyung wanted to be the 2017 vintage, because he was sure that year was the best. However, he could not find a bottle with that year due to lack of time, but he was also pleased for 2018 as well.

And only when the younger one tried the taste of wine and strawberries, he could slowly come to his senses, which had long been left somewhere far away, and realize that this was actually a date.

Their first official date.

- Jungkook... I didn't want you to feel the pressure of going on date with me... that's why I called this a little success celebration... but I wanted to spend time with you. I want to have you all to myself tonught... - he said as he gently took Jungkook's hand in his and caressed his palm with his thumb.

- Tae... - before he had a chance to say anything, Taehyung continued.

- I know it's selfish, but I had to try...

Jungkook sank into those beautiful eyes which were looking at him in a way he was not used to until that moment.

- But we've been living in your apartment for ten days now, Tae... I thought you got bored because you see me all the time... I mean, your apartment is so huge that we don't even have to meet there if we don't want to... - he said, mumbling the last words quietly. The older man giggled, then Jungkook looked him in the eyes again and continued.

- But we are always together... I was afraid that you would get tired of me... and this... this is magnificent... no one has ever done something like this for me.

- This is the least I could do, and this is just the beginning... Jeon Jungkook... you captured me. Your eyes captured me. I am completely yours and I knew that at the same moment in the park when I saw you so confused and so scared, unprotected... - he said that while a little shade of shame touched  the younger man, who was biting his lower lip while looking at the table.

- I'm a simple man, Jungkook. I have needs that every person has, which is to have someone in my life whom I will appreciate and spoil. I have one heart too and it belongs only to you. - Taehyung finished with this. And he had to admit that he repeated this paragraph to himself for several days, because he wanted everything to turn out perfectly.

And it did.

Tae stood up, all the while holding Jungkook's hand and pulled him off the chair as his doe eyes carefully watched Taehyung's next step.

The music was still playing in the background and Taehyung now had both arms around Jungkook's waist when he pulled him closer until their chests collided.

The sun went to sleep a long time ago, and the two men danced their first midnight dance, which symbolically represented the beginning of a wonderful love.

And before he could apart dream from reality, Jungkook felt the caress of Taehyung's lips on his neck. A chill ran through his body and he gave himself the chance to close his eyes and absorb this moment with all his senses.

The young man wanted to remember that kiss, Taehyung's touch on his tiny waist and his scent which hovering around the two human figures swaying to a rhythm only known to them.

The elder gently directed his lips to his chin and then very quickly they came to rest on the edge of Jungkook's lips. The younger pursed his lips for a moment and the men stayed in that position for a few seconds until the older's mind asked for more.

Tae gently moved his lips a few centimeters to the left and finally their lips met in a long-awaited kiss.

It was not the kind of kiss that can be seen on the big screen. The kiss was not rough and full of lust.

It was a simple innocent kiss that spoke a thousand words, that radiated and screamed affection and respect. Both of them seemed to know not to put too much energy and strength into the kiss, because it was not necessary to work on something which was by itself so natural and beautiful.

Their souls embraced each other as well as their bodies and they danced in a recognizable rhythm, synchronized. Their senses mingled and united into one unbreakable whole.

Even Jungkook himself had no idea about the time, while they remained so embraced on the deck of Taehyung's yacht.

Nor did Taehyung know how many more minutes would fly by with Jungkook in his arms.

But what he knew was that Jungkook was ethereal and unsurpassed.

He was an infinity.

Taehyung knew that Jungkook's place was in his hands and he was also sure he would stay there at least tonight.

What Taehyung knew for sure was he wanted it to last forever.

And even more than that.

. be continued...

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