alternate ending. colour back

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Author's Note

please take this as my formal apology for;
a. not giving malakaz a happy ending
b. using the night we met and waiting room as my last songs for the book

"i've got some colour back, she thinks so too. i laugh like me again, [he] laughs like you."
almost (sweet music) by hozier

Kaz stood at the kitchen sink, clearing up the dishes from lunch time. The sun was setting over the distant horizon casts the sky a golden yellow, the light catching in the haze of the afternoon. Wheat covered the land as far as the eye could see, meeting where the sky kissed the ground. He stared at the woman silhouetted in the heavenly light. She wore a long white dress that billowed in the breeze as she swayed back and forth. She looked like an angel. Stepping out of the kitchen onto the wooden porch, he was met with the smell of rain soaked into the ground, breathing in the clean country air. Approaching her, he wrapped his arm around her shoulder, smiling down at the bundle she cradled carefully in her arms.

"Look who's here, moi papillon." Malakai whispered to the tiny baby, who cooed and opened his eyes. He immediately recognised Kaz, giggling and reaching out to him.

Kaz took the baby in his arms before smiling at Malakai, placing his hand against her jaw. "He laughs like you." Turning his attention to the sun in the far distance, he squinted against its golden rays. "They're here."

Malakai turned too, a wide grin creeping onto her face. Out in the distance, four silhouettes emerged, backed by the sun. She could recognise those strides anywhere. Her chest heaving up and down with excitement, she took off towards them. Sprinting through the long grass at full speed, ignoring the plants slicing against her skin. She laughed as she ran into their arms, pulling them all into a group hug. They weren't children anymore. But they always would be when they were together. They would always be the Crows of Ketterdam.

She looked around at her friends, placing her hand on each of their faces briefly. "My Nina. My Wylan. My Jesper. My Inej. Oh, how I've missed you! I hope your journey was smooth."

The group turned around, walking together, arm in arm, back to Kaz.

"Oh, it was great... Until Jesper pointed his gun at the captain." Nina glared at the tanned boy.

"Hey! Desperate times call for desperate measures." Jesper responded.

"Desperate times being you not getting the hammock next to the window?" Wylan raised his eyebrows.

"Wait... Didn't you guys come here on the Wraith?" Malakai looked to each of them with confusion.

"Yes. Yes we did." Inej replied, pulling her into her side.

"Isn't Inej the captain of the Wraith?" Malakai looked to Jesper incredulously.

"Yep." Jesper grinned. The whole group erupted into laughter.

They all slowed down not far from where Kaz stood, smiling at the boy. Who smiled back just as widely.

"Hey, boss. You're looking good." Jesper called out, holding his hands on his hips.

Malakai grinned, turning to face the Crows.
"We have someone we want you all to meet."
She turned to Kaz, wrapping her hand around his waist, proudly looking down at the baby boy who was now fast asleep.

The Crows all approached slowly, small gasps coming from each of them, their eyes widening in admiration at the baby.

"Everyone... meet Jordie."

What bound them all together? You may ask. Greed? Desperation? The knowledge that if one, or all of them disappeared tonight, no one would come looking? Well, it's none of those. The Crows were bound by love. In a time where they had nothing, they gave each other something to lose. A reason to stay. A family. Something worth believing in.

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