Chapter 1 - First Meetings & Shared Interests

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As I wandered around the campus of Nijigasaki, I couldn't help but look at the other students participating in their clubs. I've never really been too interested in joining any clubs, but it is kinda interesting to see what others end up doing. Though right now I'm more focused on my disappointment over my confession being rejected, but I guess it's to be expected. After all, I haven't really talked to her much outside of being paired for assignments not to mention my really crap reputation. It's frustrating, and I feel a pit on my stomach, but I don't want it to bring me down more than it already has. I gotta keep moving, right?

As I walked, I noticed ahead of me sitting on a bench was a girl with long black hair with silver eyes, with earbuds in her ears. She looked familiar enough, but I couldn't pin from where.

Still, I couldn't help but be a bit curious about her, and so I approached her, and tapped her shoulder to get her attention. The small amount of sound that leaked from her earbuds seemed familiar enough, so maybe I could try talking to her about that. There was what seemed like some recognition as she looked at me, and after pulling one her earphones out, and said "Yes?"

"Hey, as I was walking by there was a bit of sound leaking from your headphones, and since it sounded kinda familiar, I was wondering what you were listening to." I said, feeling a bit awkward about approaching her out of the blue like this, but hoping to have some sort of conversation.

"Ah, I was listening to the opening of an anime that I really love." she said

"So that's where I recognized it from, it's the one airing this season about the archer right?" I asked

She started to smile and said "Yeah, that's right. I've been following the series since the original oneshot and I'm really enjoying the manga."

"I have a series like that, it's in what is probably the last arc, and while I'm really excited to see what's to come, I'm a little sad to see it end. At least it's getting a movie soon and hopefully the anime will pick back up eventually." I said before joining her on the bench rather than just stand in front of her awkwardly.

"So hey, what have you been thinking about the anime? I'm really happy with how well it's adapted. And while I've always loved how the show takes justice, life, and happiness to the extreme, it's even more moving with how amazing the animation is." she said, her excitement visible in her tone of voice

"I actually hadn't paid the series too much attention before the anime, but now that I'm checking it out, I might have to try reading some of the manga." I said

"You should totally do it! It's practically my bible, it's that good." She said, visibly excited by what I was saying

"Well then, I guess I'll take your recommendation. Now I just realized that neither of us have introduced ourselves yet, so how about we do that before we continue talking? I'm Y/n L/n, a second year, it's nice to meet you."

"Oh right, I guess both of us got caught up in the excitement. I'm Setsuna Yuki, and I'm a second year student like you. It's nice to meet you too." she said

"I guess it's a surprise that we haven't at least seen each other before. Ah, but you do seem kind of familiar, I just wish I knew from where..." I say

"I don't think we've met before." she says, a glint of panic showing on her face

"Yeah, I guess not. Still, I'd really love to talk again sometime." I said, smiling slightly. I've been dealing with the disappointment of my rejection this whole time, but I've been really enjoying talking to her, and it's been helping me forget what happened earlier.

In the end the two of us kept chatting about our favorite series for a while, and I was glad to end up finding somebody I could ramble about the series I love with, and I found a couple things to put on my watchlist out of it too. Not to mention Setsuna's excitement and passion is really cute, not that I'd say that aloud.

However, that ended as a girl with black hair in twintails approached and said "Hey Setsuna, sorry I didn't get here sooner. You wanted to talk about why you decided to take a break from practice today, right?" She then noticed me and said "Huh? Who's this?"

I got up and said "Ah, don't mind me. I'll get out of your hair. Hope I can talk to you again sometime soon though Setsuna."

"Sure, I'd enjoy that too." Setsuna said

I then began to leave, leaving them alone to talk about whatever was up. And it was at that moment I realized I had heard her mentioned before.

"Isn't she one of the school idols I heard some of my classmates talking about?"


Setsuna's Perspective

As I watched Y/n leave, I couldn't help but confirm to myself that the rumors about him are definitely not true, just like I thought. Though I understand why they started, the stern expression he has on his resting face could probably be intimidating to some people, and there was the incident about him getting into a fight at the start of his first year, but I don't really know the context as to why that happened. Nowadays he tends to be by himself in class because of people avoiding him.

"Anyways, what is it you wanted to talk about Setsuna?" Yuu said

"Actually, I think I might keep it to myself for now. I think I figured out something to do about it." I said

"Huh? Don't you still want to talk about it?" she said

"No thanks, I think I'll just keep it to myself for now." I said

If Y/n wants to be friends I'd be happy to, but in that case I dunno if I should tell the others yet about him confessing to me at lunch today, even if he doesn't realize his new friend is that same girl.


A/n: When I first came up with the idea for this fic, I had planned to release it and have it finished right before Tomori left the role. However, due to my poor release schedule that didn't end up happening. Still though, I really want to write this fic, and I hope you'll all enjoy this and stick around.

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