Chapter 5 - A Realization and A Decision

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Standing amongst a cheering crowd, I looked up at the stage in front of us, watching and trying to cheer on Setsuna. This isn't my first time seeing her onstage, I've gone to a couple of her lives since I became her friend, and each time I can't help but get caught up in the passion she shows up there. I've seen her getting excited about a subject plenty of times, but watching her on stage, it's almost like she's a different person. Her passion shines through so brightly, and I love that about her, and it makes me so happy to be her friend.

After the live show came to an end and the other girls participating in the show performed, it wasn't too long before I left to go off to the side somewhere while I texted Setsuna and asked where we should meet up. It wasn't too long before she suggested we meet at the west entrance, which I sent her a text confirming before heading off.

Figuring that there'd be a bit before she got there no matter what, I ended up getting a drink from a vending machine on the way there as well as something for her. After getting there, I leaned against a nearby wall, drinking my drink as I watched for her.

It wasn't long however, before I saw her coming out, looking around for me. Once our eyes locked, I saw the smile on her face grow a little as she walked over. I started walking over to her and held out the drink I bought for her and said "You were great as always up there"

"Thanks Y/n, I'm glad you enjoyed yourself." Setsuna said before taking the drink from my hand "I see you're drinking the same brand of soda as always."

"Gotta get some caffeine in me somehow, otherwise I just wouldn't be me. It's only a slight exaggeration that I run on cola." I half-jokingly said with a shrug as we started walking together, planning to go get something to eat together.

"Now anyways, you have anything going on lately?"

Setsuna paused for a second before she said "Well for one I've been doing more cooking lately."

"Oh yeah? How come?" I said, curious

"Well, a dish I made for home economics a while ago didn't really go by the textbook, and so I decided to give it a rematch. After that, I realized that if I wanna be able to do it, I need to improve my cooking more, so I've been trying to practice more." Setsuna said

I gave her a smile and said "That so? Well I'm sure if you keep going you'll get the hang of whatever you had trouble with."

Wait, I don't think anything in the home economics textbooks is gonna be too hard, though I don't think I should bring that up. Or maybe she just struggles with one step in the recipe? I wonder if her cooking is any good beyond that...

"Thanks Y/n, I'm sure I'll get it to work eventually." Setsuna said

As we passed through a nearby park as a shortcut, we ended up talking about our shared interests and what's been going on lately, and because of it, I ended up distracted in the conversation until as we turned towards the path to the street, I heard somebody ahead of us call out "Look out!"

I looked up and noticed that there was a bike barreling towards us, close enough that there's no way they'd be able to stop in time. In a rush to make sure that neither of us were hit, I took a hold of Setsuna's hand and pulled her to the side as I moved away myself. However, what I didn't mean to do in my rush was to trip on the edge of the path, placing all my weight on the side of my foot and falling off the inclined area in the process.

The next thing I knew, I was on the ground with Setsuna, partially on top of me, I ended up pulling her down with me. "Sorry about that, are you alright?"

As Setsuna got off me, she nodded and said "I'm fine, don't worry about it."

"I see, that's good." I said before I tried to get up myself. However, as I got up I couldn't help but let out a small grunt of pain.

"Are you alright?" She said as she looked at me

"I think I twisted my ankle slightly, but I'll be fine, I'll rest some when we get to the cafe." I said before muttering "Man, what a lame way to hurt myself." It's not pleasant to walk, but we're close to the cafe we were going to, so I should be able to let it rest there.

"It is? Then at least lean on me some until we get there, alright?" Setsuna said, obviously concerned for me

"Right, I guess I'll be leaning on you again, just literally this time." I said, not wanting to waste her kindness.

I moved to Setsuna's side, leaning against her as we headed to our destination, and as we came closer to it, I gave her a small smile and said to her something that's been on my mind a lot lately. "Hey, I just want to say thanks for sticking with me. I've got my fair share of problems, but when I'm talking with you, they don't seem like quite as much of an issue. So I just wanted to say thanks for being there for me"

Setsuna seemed to blush before she said "I could say the same to you too, thanks for being my friend Y/n."

Setsuna's Perspective

In that moment, as he smiled at me, I felt my heart seem to skip a beat, and I realized how I feel about Y/n. There are as many types of love as there are people, but with Y/n, it isn't the same way as my friends. When I don't get the chance to see him as Nana or Setsuna, I can't help but feel a little anxious. When I think of him and his voice I feel a surge of strength well up inside me, and when I'm with him I almost feel like a whole new me. I love Y/n romantically, and it makes me so happy to realize it.

But he already confessed to me once, to the me he recognizes as the student council president. And while she is a part of me, I feel closer to who I really am as the person he knows as Setsuna. I try not to worry about it, but the idea that maybe he only feels that way towards the girl he sees as Nana rather than the real me creeps in the corner of my mind...

"Hey Y/n, since you were interested in my cooking, maybe I could make us both lunch sometime, and we could have it together?" I suggested

But I believe that if you love something, you should run straight towards it, and so if he still loves the Nana he knows from class, then I'll steal his heart as Setsuna before I tell him how I feel and who I really am.

Y/n nodded his head and said "Huh? Sure, I'll try your cooking"

I let out a small giggle before I said "Alright, I'll make sure to make you something that'll blow you away." The others in the idol club never give me a straight answer on my cooking, and I know it's not always been the best, but I'm going to do the best I can here for Y/n. For now though, I want to just enjoy this time with him.


A/n: Sorry for disappearing for a while, I was stuck dealing with something in my life, and then I ended up getting stuck making this chapter work how I wanted.

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