Chapter 14 - Hard Work & A Connection

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"I just finished up on the screen tones for page sixteen." I said as I moved a page to the side and started to work on the next, the sun setting outside as Setsuna and I worked on her manga. Yuu was working with us for a while, but since it was starting to get late she headed home, leaving just the two of us. We've steadily worked on it and as she reaches the end of her manga, we've started pushing harder to get it done in time for submission. In the end I've been mostly helping out wherever she needs me, but working on this with her has been fun, and I love seeing her passions burn as bright as they have working on this.

"Thanks Y/n, I'm almost done with this page and then I'll hand it to you." Setsuna said, focusing on the page in front of her, "After that, I say we call it a night."

"Works for me." I responded as I stretched out slightly and straightened out the area I had been working at. For a while before I started helping her with this I had been feeling kind of unproductive, and so working hard like this feels great. I guess that's what happens when your part time job hasn't been busy enough lately to give you too many hours.

After a couple minutes, Setsuna passed the sheet to me and said "Here you go, now while you start that, how about I make us some dinner?"

"Huh? You wanna cook us dinner?" I said, a little nervous, thinking back on the last time Setsuna cooked for me.

Setsuna must have noticed my apprehension, and giggled before she said "Don't worry, I've gotten better since then. Now I'll be waiting for you in the living room."

I nodded and with a smile said "Right, I'll see you then."

Setsuna walked out of the room, leaving me by myself as I applied screen tones. Since her parents are out celebrating their anniversary, it's just gonna be me and Setsuna tonight, granted I'll probably head home after dinner, but I'm definitely not gonna complain about spending more time with my girlfriend.

After she left, I ended up leaning forward, staring at the page more intently as I got to work on the screen tones. I wish there was more I could do to support her, but I don't exactly have experience in artistic matters. Still, I'd like to think that doing what I can is enough.


After I finished on the page, I stood up, slowly stretching out my legs after having been sitting for so long, and left her room, the smell of spices wafting my way. It smells pretty good, but then again, it didn't smell bad last time either. "C'mon, stop thinking about the last time..." I muttered to myself. It's been a while since then, and who knows how much she's improved since then?

As I headed into the living room, I could see Setsuna cooking in the dining room, stirring a pot as she hummed to herself. She seems pretty confident at the very least, so that should stand for something, right?

I crept up behind her and hugged from behind, smiling as she jumped slightly before I said "Alright, I finished the page up. So how are things going for you here?"

Setsuna leaned against me as I held her and said "I think they are going well enough, it should be done in a minute, so why don't you wait for me in the dining room?"

"You're the cook, I'll follow your lead. Don't need me to get out plates or anything?" I asked, letting her go

"Nah, I've got it. You just go and wait to see how much I've improved." Setsuna said

I nodded and headed to the dining room, stretching out some more as I walked, letting out a small yawn as I looked out the window and saw how dark it's gotten. Since we're calling it a day when it comes to working on the manga for the night, I'll help out with dishes after we eat, then I'll start heading home.

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