Chapter 12 - An Evening Introduction

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One Week Later...

As the sun started to fall from the sky, I walked down the road to my destination and I felt a knot of tension in my chest as I saw that in front of me was the place I was looking for: the home of my girlfriend, Setsuna. After our conversation the other day, Setsuna told her parents that she was in a relationship, and just like she expected, they wanted to meet me and know what exactly the person their daughter was with was like, and Setsuna told them how I said I'd be happy to talk to them over dinner whenever.

I thought I had gotten past my nervousness about going to meet them, but ever since I left the house to head over, I've felt that familiar feeling of nervousness in my gut. I mean I know nothing is probably going to happen, but thinking about how she said her parents have been pretty strict in the past, paired with how big of a thing meeting the parents is, my worries are getting the best of me.

As I reached the front door, I took one more deep breath before I rang the doorbell, and a moment later, the door opened up and I was greeted by the sight of Setsuna in front of me, a smile on her face. "Y/n, you came!" she said

"Of course I did, I said I'd come after all." I said. And besides, it wouldn't leave a good impression if I didn't come.

"Come on in, my parents are in the living room right now." Setsuna said as she let me through the door. I followed beside her through her house until we reached the living room. "Mom, Dad, this is Y/n."

The two turned to face me, and I raised a hand and said "I'm Y/n L/n, it's nice to meet you Mr. and Mrs. Nakagawa."

The two of them looked at me for a second before Mrs Nakagawa said "It's a pleasure to meet you, Nana has told us some things about you, but we both still wanted to see what you were like for ourselves."

"Right, and I'm sure I won't disappoint you." I said, trying to smile to avoid looking worried.

"In that case, since there should be another couple minutes before dinner, why don't you tell us your side of how you two first got to know each other?" Mrs Nakagawa said

"How we first got to know each other? Sure, I can tell you my perspective on it." I said as I went to sit down beside Setsuna before I started to tell them about the day I was rejected by Nana and got to know Setsuna, which I'll just skip over rather than review what you've already read. In the end, they were surprisingly amused by the fact I didn't realize that the girl I spent so much time with was Nana, and as I kept talking to them, I felt my nervousness ease.

It was a moment later that we heard a beep in another room and Mrs. Nakagawa stood up and said "That would be dinner, now shall we take this conversation to the dining room?"

"I'll come with you to serve it," Setsuna said as she stood up and left for the kitchen with her mother, leaving just me and her father.

There was a brief silence as we got up, with me unsure on what to say, but then Mr. Nakagawa said "Y/n, you seem like an okay person and I can tell how much my daughter cares about you, and with how strongly she loves things, I want to ask you to please keep looking out for her."

At his words I was caught off for a brief second before I took a deep breath and nodded as I said "Of course I will. Before I met her I was filled with so much doubt and there were times where I was paralyzed trying to come to a decision, scared of how the outcome could go wrong, but she's helped me find the courage to once again start taking chances and find excitement in seeing what may come next. She tends to be the one looking after me, but I plan to pay her back however I can."

Mr. Nakagawa smiled softly and nodded his head as we started walking to the dining room and said "I see, I'm glad to hear that"

After that, we headed to the dining room to join Setsuna and Mrs. Nakagawa and had dinner as the four of us talked amongst ourselves. At this point, any nervousness I had was long gone, and while I still was doing my best to make a good impression, I didn't feel like I had to try too hard.

"Mom, Dad, I'm so glad you're okay with our relationship, the truth is that I've been holding off on telling you two about it because I was worried what you'd say." Setsuna said

Mrs. Nakagawa gave Setsuna a reassuring smile as she said "Nana, after you showed us your performance as an idol, we realized that while we were doing what we thought was best for you, it was really stifling you from doing the things you enjoy, and that still stands. As long as you'll continue to keep your grades up, we're more than willing to support you in whatever you choose to do"

Setsuna nodded and said with a smile "Right, thank you so much, both of you."

Dinner continued for a bit longer, but after it was done, I said my farewells since I should probably get back home soon. Setsuna headed with me to the front door to see me off, and as we stood at the front door, I said "Feels like that went pretty well."

"Yeah, it seems like they like you." Setsuna said with a nod

"It's a good thing too, I'm not planning on leaving your life anytime soon, so I want them to get along with me." I said, giving Setsuna a small smile "Next time I might have to introduce you to my parents."

"I'll be looking forward to that," she said with a soft blush and a bright smile.

"Now I better get going, I'll see you tomorrow Setsuna." I said as I turned to leave

I then, however, felt a hand on my shoulder as she said "Wait, you forgot something." I turned to see what it could be only to quickly find myself in a kiss with her, her soft lips against mine. Once our lips parted, Setsuna said "I love you Y/n"

I gave her an admittedly goofy and said "I love you too Setsuna." I then left her house with my heart pounding in my chest for a different reason than when I came here, and facing forward, I began the trip home, feeling all the more secure in my relationship with her.


A/n: At long last I'm on prescriptions that work and I'm feeling much better, at least I think. In the near future I'm planning to try and pick up the pace and release the remaining three chapters in the next two weeks. I hope you'll stick around for that, and thank you for bearing with my crap recently.

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