Chapter 3 - Shrugging off Sadness

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As I turn off my phone which I had been reading on and put it back in my pocket, I get up from the bench I was spending lunch on and try to head somewhere more private. My heart aches and I try to keep everything bottled up as I head to an area I don't really see many people going. By the time I get there, I can feel tears forming in my eyes, but the main thing stuck in my mind is insecurity over a scene as simple as this jerking my heart and making me cry.

"Eh? L/n? Are you alright?"

I hear footsteps hurrying over to me as I wipe the tears from my eyes and take a deep breath before looking at them to see it's Nakagawa.

"Hey Nakagawa, what's up?" I said

"Are you alright L/n? Why were you crying?" Nakagawa said

"I'm fine, don't worry about me." I said, feeling a bit embarrassed about being seen crying like that.

"That still doesn't change the fact you were crying, did something happen?" Nakagawa said, I guess I had gotten her worried

"It feels dumb to me, but if you really want to know, keep it quiet, alright?" I said

"Of course I will L/n." she said, giving me a reassuring smile

I let out a deep sigh and said "The truth is, I was reading a manga on my phone, and this one small scene at the end of the chapter hit a chord with me, and even if it was only mentioned in passing to wrap things up, what it said hit me like a truck."

"That's not dumb at all L/n, it just shows how wonderful of a story it is if it can connect to you on that level, right?" Nakagawa said

"Yeah, I guess so, I was definitely enjoying it at the very least, and I hadn't really considered the theme it was based around before." I said

"Also, this might not be the best time, but it's nice to see that you have a sensitive side. You're usually stoic and don't show your emotions unless you're talking about things that interest you." Nakagawa said

"Maybe a bit too sensitive actually. I just do what I can to hide it." I said "Ah, but it's not because I'm insecure about being weak or anything like that, I just don't like feeling like I'm being pitied."

"There's nothing wrong about being sensitive, it just shows that you care, right?"

I shrugged and said "True enough, but it's still a pain. It's a shame, but I don't even know if I'm gonna be able to go back to what I was reading after that. I hate feeling like that, and it drains my motivation to read more if this happens since I dunno if I'm gonna get a gut punch like that again."

"That is a shame." Nakagawa agreed. The bell then rang, signaling class starting up again, to which Nakagawa said "Well, it looks like we should get going. I hope you don't mind me joining you on the walk back."

"I'm fine with it." I said, grabbing my lunch mess to throw away on the way back before starting to walk beside Nana.


After classes ended, I waited for Setsuna to finish up with her club activities since today she was gonna return the manga volumes I leant her. She read through those even faster than the ones before that. Still, since she's caught up now that means I finally have somebody to talk about the series with.

As I waited for her, I tried to read some manga to pass the time. Like I thought, I wasn't particularly interested in going back to the series I had been reading that afternoon, but that left me with the question of what to read now? I guess I could reread something, but none of the manga or light novels I have digitally are really striking my mood.

As I notice a figure heading my way, I shrug that thought off, looking forward to greet Setsuna, who carried the manga in a bag. "Hey Y/n, sorry if I made you wait."

"Not at all, so what did you think of where the series is at so far?" I said

"It was awesome! The battle was great, and I'm so curious about how the protagonist is going to get back to his home country." Setsuna said

"Right? And the new ability he picked up is so cool!" I said, happy to be able to talk some after the whole situation this afternoon. Talking it out with Nakagawa was helpful, but I'd rather just talk about something I enjoy to get myself out of the funk.

After the two of us talked for a bit, Setsuna said "Hey, a light novel I really like is getting a new volume this weekend. How about we go out this weekend so I can pick it up and we can hang out some? We only really meet up at the school after all."

I nodded my head and said "Sounds good, it'd be a nice change of pace."

"Awesome! Now then, how about we walk home together? Part way at least." Setsuna said

I feel myself finally fully breaking all the way free from the funk I ended up in after what happened during lunch, and with a smile said "Yeah, of course."


A/n: Sorry for the wait, I couldn't write this in a way I was happy with and kept rewriting it. On a different note, depending on if you folks keep enjoying this fic, I'm thinking about moving this fic to a total of 14 or up to 16 chapters.

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