Chapter 10 - Introductions and Encouragement

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With club activities in full swing for the day, usually I'd be reading somewhere or heading home at this time, but today I've actually been asked by Setsuna to come to the school idol club's room, since apparently the members I haven't met are interested in me. I've met Ayumu and Yuu before, but I can't say I'm too familiar with the rest. I'm pretty sure the new student council president after Setsuna, Mifune, joined them recently, but I can't say I know too much about her. And considering I was sick on the day Setsuna and her had a presidential debate during the election, I don't really know what she's about much either.

"Eh, I'm sure this'll be fine." I said to myself as I reached the door. I knocked on the door rather than popping up unprompted, and a moment later, the door was opened by a girl with long brown hair and blue eyes. "Hey there, Setsuna asked me to come by."

A look of recognition lit on her face, and she smiled as she said "Please, come in."

As I stepped inside, I saw ten girls look my way, and with a smile Setsuna stood up and said "Y/n, you came!"

I shrugged and said "I mean you asked me to come, why wouldn't I?"

A moment later a tall girl with short black hair and deep blue eyes looked me over and said "So you're Y/n, huh? Setsuna has been talking about you a lot lately. She makes it really obvious how much you matter to her."

I couldn't help but blush a little as she said that, I guess it's different to have someone else point it out like this. "I see..." I said in an embarrassed tone

She giggled at my embarrassment as Setsuna cut her off from saying anything more and with a light blush said "I'm so glad I can finally introduce you to my friends. I'm sure they'll like you."

After that we went through introducing me to everybody, and like Yuu and Ayumu, the others said it's fine to call me by their first names. Kanata had to be woken up so we could introduce ourselves to each other, but considering how the others acted, I don't feel like that's particularly uncommon. It took me a moment to get all their names memorized since I'm not exactly great with names, but I got it locked down before long.

"Hey, I heard Setsuna held off on telling you about her double life until after you two got together, bet that surprised you, didn't it?" Ai said

I nodded, chuckling slightly at the memory of my realization "Yep, but as soon as she said it, I didn't know why I didn't connect the pieces before. Not to mention afterwards I didn't know if I should call her Setsuna or Nana."

In the end she told me that I can just call her whatever as long as it doesn't end up revealing her secret. And to me, she'll always be Setsuna, the woman most precious to me.

We ended up talking for a while, allowing me to get a chance to get to know her friends and pick up on how good of people they are. They're definitely a colorful bunch of people, and that liveliness I saw from them just made me happy.

"You're really different from the rumors I've heard, it makes me wonder why people still believe them." Ai said

I shrugged and said "I feel like it's mostly because people don't really come up to me much." I also have a suspicion the senpai I got into the fight with may be spreading them still, I can't really prove that.

"Don't you want to end the rumors?" Shioriko said

"I mean sure, but there isn't really much I can do about it. I mean I'm just one person." I said nonchalantly

"Maybe, but you have us too, remember? We could try and help you dispel some of the rumors." Yuu said

"Right, I'm sure we could help get people to see that you're actually a good person." Ayumu said

Most of these girls only met me for the first time today, but they're still willing to help me out. I'd love to have more people to hang out with, and to curb my insecurities about somebody with a reputation like mine dating an honor student like Setsuna. I couldn't help but smile a little as I said "Would you girls really lend a hand? I'd be so grateful."

"Of course we will Y/n, you don't deserve to be treated the way you do" Setsuna said, taking a hold of my hand

I felt a surge of reassurance at their words, that maybe I can spend the rest of my time here at Nijigasaki not regretting the mistake that's affected my time here up to this point. "Thanks, all of you. I've given up on changing things, but if I'm not alone then maybe there is the possibility that it can change."

I spent a while longer talking with the members of the Idol Club, but as the sun began to set and club activities came to an end, we decided to wrap things up, and as I left, having left first just by myself, rather than being alone, I instead found Setsuna walking beside me.

I smiled at her and said "Thanks for asking me to come by, it was nice to get to know your friends."

"It's no problem, I love spending time with them, and I wanted to introduce them to the man I love." Setsuna said, smiling

As we finally left the building, the setting sun overhead, I took a hold of her hand and as we walked side by side together, I said "I'll never understand how I ended up lucky enough to end up with you."

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