Chapter 4 - An Afternoon Out

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As I waited at the station for Setsuna to arrive, I let out a small yawn before taking another sip of cola. I haven't had the chance to hang out with a friend outside of school since middle school, and of course the one time I do, my insomnia comes in full force to leave me tired for it. Hopefully though, the caffeine in this should help me wake up somewhat.

A moment later, I saw a familiar girl heading my way. Rather than the idol outfit or school uniform I usually see her in, today she's wearing casual clothing and she looks really cute in it, I gotta say.

"Hey Y/n, hope I didn't make you wait too long." Setsuna said as reached me

"Nah, not really. If anything I got here with just enough time to wake up some." I said, tossing my empty bottle into a nearby recycling bin. I did head over early, but that's more because after waking up, rather than wait at home for the right time to leave, I'd rather head out early and wander around a bit beforehand. Though I only really had the option to do that since without my alarm clock on, I ended up sleeping in until an hour before it was time to meet up with her. "Anyways, did you have a bookstore in mind?"

"Yeah, I did. And since there's an arcade near there, maybe we can play against each other in something there afterwards." Setsuna suggested

"Sure, sounds good to me." I said, stretching a little as I moved to walk beside Setsuna, heading to the subway with her.


Once we got to the bookstore, despite the light novel Setsuna was talking about having released today, there didn't seem to be a display or anything for it in the viewable area. Leading to us having to search around for a moment.

As we found the display, it looked just about barren, but as we got closer to it, we found that there were two copies left. Setsuna picked up a copy and said "It's a good thing we got here when we did. Oh, and it's even the version that comes with the character portrait!"

"I didn't realize it was that popular." I said as I looked at the lone copy on display. I've heard of this series in passing before but I didn't realize it had this much of a fanbase.

"Hey Y/n, this is the perfect opportunity for you to get into the series too, don't you think? I'd love to talk about the series with you." Setsuna said

I had been still looking for something to read, and so with a nod I picked up the last remaining copy and said "Sure, I'll check the series out, and I'll get to reading this eventually too. But after you read that, how about you check out a light novel I love? It's a sci-fi setting that has both magic based and science based power systems, and the stories done with it are so great."

"Sure, sounds like a deal." Setsuna said, smiling in a agreement

We spent a while longer looking through books and talking about light novels we liked, before eventually deciding to check out now and head out, deciding to next go to the arcade Setsuna mentioned.

After we got to the arcade, I wandered around alongside Setsuna as we tried to decide on something to play together. This place has a mix of more modern games as well as some more retro games.

"I wonder what we should play. Hey, do you wanna play something where we work together? Or maybe we could play something where we can compete?" Setsuna said

"I dunno, I've been addicted to a farming game lately so something more action packed could be fun." I said

Setsuna's eyes lit up as she saw a classic beat 'em up game with up to four player characters and said "Oh hey, how about we play this?"

"Sure, sounds fun to me." I said

After putting money in and starting to play, I found myself picking it up relatively quickly. It's a classic side scroller, and while I was moving a bit slower, keeping just in range to attack and throwing those that got too close to conserve health, Setsuna was taking a more aggressive approach and managing to avoid attacks pretty well. Once we got to the first boss it was a bit more of a struggle, but we were really enjoying ourselves and were starting to sync up pretty well.


Eventually however, we both ended up getting kind of hungry, and as we approached it we were greeted by the sight of two girls encountering us at the corner of the street. One being the black haired girl from when I first met Setsuna, and the other being a girl with light red hair beside her.

"Setsuna? And who's this with you?" the girl with light red hair said.

"Hey Ayumu, this is my friend Y/n." Setsuna said

"Huh? You mean he's the one who-" the black haired girl began to say before getting cut off

"That incident is out of proportion." I said, feeling myself want to disappear or something. I should've known that at least one of her friends would've heard the rumors about the incident last year, I just hope she doesn't believe them too much

"He's actually a really kind person, and we have a lot of the same hobbies." Setsuna said, seeming to pick up on my sudden unease

"Really? I'm sorry if bringing that up was a sore spot. I'm Yuu Takasaki" The black haired girl said to me

"It's alright, don't worry about it Takasaki." I said

"You're Setsuna's friend, right? You don't need to worry about being formal around us." Yuu said

I nodded my head and said "Right."

"So what were you two up to?" Setsuna asked

"We were out shopping at a store Karin told us about nearby." Yuu said "What about you two?"

"A light novel I was looking forward to releasing this week, and we ended up deciding to go together and hang out outside of school. We were actually about to go get some lunch." Setsuna explained, and I slightly gestured to the bag on my arm containing our stuff by holding it up slightly.

"We were actually planning to go have lunch too. How about we join you?" Ayumu said

"Sure! And this is a great chance for you to get to know Y/n." Setsuna said

Staying quiet for the moment, I smile to myself slightly as I walk alongside the girls. I was happy just getting the chance to hang out with Setsuna, but I guess today I'm gonna get my chance to get to know a couple of her friends, and see a side of Setsuna that I hadn't before.


A/n: The conundrum of describing Ayumu's hair color has returned. I know the color is close to salmon, but it feels weird to describe hair as salmon colored hair.

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