Chapter 9 - Comfort & Closeness

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As I sat down on the couch, I took a deep breath to calm myself, the world almost feeling like it was gonna end or something. It's been about a week since me and Setsuna told each other how we felt and became lovers, and today we decided to have our first date together, which Setsuna suggested we could have a watch party for the anime adaptation of a series we both like, and maybe play some games afterwards. I agreed to do it, but now that it's almost the time for her to get here, I can feel my mind racing. The excitement and nervousness for my first date has left me a mess, wanting to make sure this turns out alright.

I let out a small sigh as I finally felt myself calming down, when I heard the doorbell ring. I guess it's time to finally get this started, huh? I got up and headed to the door, opening it to the sight of Setsuna smiling in front of me.

"Hey there, you're here earlier than expected." I said "Gotta say, it's a pleasant surprise to see you already."

Setsuna giggled and said "I was looking forward to our date so much that I thought I'd get here a bit early."

"Oh yeah? Well then, come on in" I said, moving out of the doorway for her. She stepped inside and I showed her the way to the living room as I added "I don't I've ever had a girl over here before. Maybe it's a good thing my parents aren't home today otherwise I dunno if they'd ever stop hounding me to find out more about you."

"So that's how yours are, huh? When it comes to my parents, they've always been strict and so while they recently found out about me being an idol and liking manga and anime, I don't know if I should tell them about us quite yet." Setsuna said as she sat down on the couch.

I took a seat beside her, and gently took a hold of her hand and said "I get you. Still, maybe someday we'll have to introduce ourselves to each other's family, and when that time comes, I'll make sure that I don't end up somebody you'd be embarrassed to show to them."

"Y/n, there's no way I'd ever be embarrassed to show you to my parents, you're somebody much more special than you may think." Setsuna said, leaning against me.

"Thanks." I said, with the arm she wasn't resting against turning on the tv and the anime we were gonna watch. As I was about to turn the first episode on, I heard Setsuna let out a yawn beside me. "You tired?"

"Just a little, last night I was so excited for our date that I ended up having some trouble falling asleep." Setsuna answered.

I smiled at how cute that answer was, and rested my head against her, us ending cuddled together some as our show started.

As we watched the first few episodes, the animation and voice acting were pretty good, and despite us both knowing the plot of the manga after Setsuna introduced me to it, we both were really engaged.

As we continued watching it, I noticed that eventually Setsuna seemed to get quiet, and curious as to why, I looked at her as she leaned against my shoulder, and realized that she was asleep. I knew she was tired, but I guess it finally caught up to her. Looking at her sleeping face, I decided that rather than wake her up, I'll let her catch up on the rest that she deserves. In the past she's said she loves that I try to do my best at whatever I'm doing, but at the end of the day she's a way harder worker than me. For now, I'll just act as her pillow, and let her get her beauty sleep. I let her rest against me, and while I tried to just focus on our show, the soft sounds of her sleeping beside me and the comfort I felt being beside her led me to start feeling drowsy, and before long I felt myself being lulled to sleep too.


In the end, I ended up with a shorter nap, having just slept through about two episodes, us nearing the end of it, while Setsuna was still asleep. I'm glad that I didn't disturb her at the very least, and decided to just wait for her to wake up on her own for now.

A while later, I heard Setsuna beside me say "Huh? Where am I?" Then, the slow realization of where she was and what happened led to her blushing as she said "Y/n, I wasn't asleep for too long, was I?"

I shrugged and said "You were asleep for a while, but I figured that rather than wake you up, it'd be better to let you catch up on some of the sleep you're missing."

"I'm so sorry Y/n, I didn't mean to sleep through our date." Setsuna said

"Don't worry about it, your well being is more important to me than anything else. I'm glad I was able to make you feel comfortable enough." I said, placing my arm over her shoulder and pulling closer.

"I mean of course I did, I feel safe when I'm with you." Setsuna said

I gave her a kiss on the forehead before I said "I'm glad to hear that, now c'mon, we still have a little bit of time, so let's enjoy ourselves while we still can. How about we check out that game I told you about?"

As Setsuna and I went to do something for the rest of the time before she'll have to leave, there was a massive smile on my face. I love her so much, and the fact she feels safe when she's with me means so much. I just hope I can continue to support keep so I can pay her back for the love she's given me.

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