Chapter 6 - A Meal Made From The Heart

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After the bell rang, signalling the end of class and that lunch had begun, I stretched out before getting up and heading towards where me and Setsuna were meeting up for lunch. Today is the day she said she'd bring lunch for the two of us, and I can't help but wonder how good of a cook Setsuna is. I mean she said she's been spending more time in the kitchen lately so she can get the hang of the dish she had trouble with, but she never said what exactly it was she had trouble with.

"Ah screw it, even if she isn't good it can't be that bad, right?" I muttered to myself as I finally got to our meeting place. And besides, even if she isn't great, she went out of her way to make something for me, so I ought to just be grateful.

It took her a little while to get there before she got there, during which time it wasn't hard to wait by just thinking about what I could do with the build I had made in the game I had been into recently.

As she approached, she said "Sorry about not being here sooner, I had to take care of something before I met up with you."

"Don't worry about it, you had your reasons, right?" I said, smiling

"Right." She said with a smile as she sat down beside me "I ended up making hamburg steaks with a fried egg plus a salad and a side of rice. I hope you'll enjoy it."

"Alright, sounds good" I said as she passed me a bento box as well as some chopsticks. As I opened it, I felt kind of excited to try her cooking, because that sounded good. What greeted me inside was messier than I expected but it still wasn't bad. For one, the fried egg seemed undercooked for one and the yolk ran some onto the salad it was placed on, and the hamburg steak itself seemed pretty heavily charred, assumably overcooked, seeming to hide something more to them.

As I picked up the hamburg steak with my chopsticks, for some reason I felt a weird sense of foreboding, but figured nothing of it and went for it. However, what I got after taking a bite was one of the worst things I've eaten. I then went to try the salad and the fried egg, greeted in each case with similarly poor results.

Looking at Setsuna, she hadn't eaten yet, seemingly waiting for me to tell her my thoughts, and I didn't want to tell her that her food was not exactly good. Trying to hold it off for at least a second, I decided to go for the rice, which I hadn't even touched yet. I can hold it off for a moment while I eat that. I mean, how can you mess up rice? I went to taste some and...

...Ah, that's how

As I put down the chopsticks for a moment, Setsuna said "So? How is it?"

What do I say? I don't want to straight up say it was bad, but once she tries it she'll realize if I lie, and I'm not eloquent enough to put it gently. I don't want to risk hurting her...

Unsure of what to say, I managed to stumble out "Er I mean..."

"It didn't turn out right, did it?" Setsuna said, sounding disappointed


"I know that my cooking doesn't always turn out right, and so I can guess why you're having trouble answering. Sorry, I wanted to make something good for you, but I guess it didn't work out." Setsuna said, visibly disappointed. "I'm gonna keep trying, and I'll make sure to do better before the next time I try to feed you something." Seeing her like that, I can't help but hurt for her, more strongly than any other time I've felt bad for somebody in the past.

Ah to hell with it, it's just one case of food poisoning

I took a deep breath before I started to try and shovel the bento down, trying to ignore the problems at least somewhat.

"Eh? Y/n, what are you doing?" Setsuna said in surprise as I ate it. "If it isn't good you don't have to eat it."

I took a deep breath as I looked up at her and away from the salad I had been finishing up. "I know, but you went out of your way to make this for me, and I don't want that effort to go to waste." I said before returning to it.

It isn't great, but I can tell she tried her best, and so I want to reciprocate those feelings, both as my friend, and as somebody who I care deeply about. And besides, I'd like to think I'm tough enough to not let her see it mess with me too much.

After I finished eating, the two of us tried to return to normal conversation, but as the time for lunch steadily came to an end, ten minutes before it ended, Setsuna got up and said "I need to go take care of something before classes start up again. And Y/n, thank you. It made me happy to know you care about my efforts like that."

I gave her a smile and said "Don't worry about it, you always put so much effort into everything you do and it's really respectable, so why wouldn't I reciprocate where I can?"

She smiled and left to take care of whatever the matter she was dealing with was, and I decided to relax some before I head back to class. As it sat there alone, I couldn't help but think of how I don't think I would have done that for anyone else. Setsuna is just somebody special to me, and while I can't explain in what way, I know it's the truth.

Once I finally returned to class, I found Nana placing something into her desk before she looked at me and said with a large smile "Oh hey Y/n."

"Hey Nana." I said as I took my seat at the desk beside her, unable to think of that smile as anything but cute, before I let my mind wander to wherever as I waited for class to begin.

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