Chapter 11 - Changes Starting to Take Shape

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As the lunch break began, I saw my classmates start talking amongst themselves, and I turned to face Setsuna who was sitting at the desk beside mine and said "Hey, I made sure to bring both bentos for lunch." Today, since she tried cooking for me a bit back, I offered to try my best at cooking today so she could try my cooking this time. I think I'm moderately good, so hopefully she'll enjoy it.

She turned to face me and nodded as she said "Oh yeah? I'm looking forward to what you made. Also it turns out I have something else I need to ask you later."

"What's up?" I asked

"I'll tell you when it's just the two of us. It's nothing bad, promise." Setsuna said

"Right, I'll just wait and see then." I said, despite how curious I was about what Setsuna wanted to ask.

I continued talking to Setsuna as I reached into my desk to grab my lunch, I could tell there were some people looking at me. In the past few days since the girls in the idol club said they'd help spread the word that I'm actually a good person, I've noticed people have been more curious about me, but nobody's really come up to me yet. Then again, I've been told that my resting expression can be kind of intimidating in the past, so I guess that might make it a bit hard to approach me...

"Hey, you're L/n, right?"

Me and Setsuna turned to see who said that and saw that it was a girl in our class. I nodded and said "Yeah, that's right."

"Right, a friend of mine heard that you're actually a good person, and I wanted to see if it's true." the girl said

Setsuna then said "If I remember correctly, you're Warui Otoko, correct?"

She turned to face Setsuna and said "Ah right, I guess I forgot to introduce myself, sorry."

"It's fine, so anything in particular you wanna ask?" I said, still a little bit surprised since besides Setsuna, people just haven't come up and talked to me like this

"Well for one, did you really get into a fight with a senpai last year?" She asked

With the first person who's tried to reach out and talk to me since the girls in the idol club agreed to help repair my reputation some, I want to lie to avoid scaring her off, but I can't just deny what I did "I did, and while I don't think it's much of a justification, I didn't do it out of some self-centered reason or anything like that."

"Oh yeah? I'll take your word for it then, but how about you tell me your side of it sometime?" she said

I nodded and said "Yeah, I guess I could do that sometime. Just not right now though, it's a bit of a long story."

"Right. Oh hey, what's your relationship with Nakagawa? She's the only person I see you talk to." she said, glancing towards Setsuna

"My relationship with Nana? She's my girlfriend." I said, turning to smile at Setsuna, who had a bright blush on her face, but she was smiling some

"Really? I wouldn't have expected that." Warui said in a surprised tone

"It's true." Setsuna said with a nod, still blushing

"Then congrats you two." she said before turning to see a couple girls looking towards her before she said "Anyways, I better get going. Still, it's nice to see you really are pretty nice."

"Right, peace." I said as she left to go hang out with her friends. Considering how she seemed to relax as she realized I really was an okay person, I couldn't help but feel like this might be the beginning of people not avoiding me as much.

"That was a surprise." I said to Setsuna

Setsuna nodded and said "A bit, but I'm happy for you, hopeful people will start treating you better now"

Me and Setsuna then got up and headed to go have lunch by ourselves, and as we walked, I said "Y'know, I didn't really expect the others helping me out would have any impact this quickly."

"We are idols after all, I imagine that helped spread the word." Setsuna said "And that's not mentioning how many friends Ai has who she probably told."

"Huh? What do you mean?" I asked

"Ai is really good at making friends with people, it's amazing how quickly she can get people to enjoy themselves with her." Setsuna said smiling

Soon after we got a place we could enjoy our lunch together in peace, and after we took a seat beside each other, I handed over one of the bentos to her. "Make sure to tell me what you think afterwards, alright?" I said smiling slightly

Setsuna nodded and said "Of course, that way we'll be able to try and get better together."

Despite us both opening our bentos at roughly the same time, I didn't actually take my first bite until Setsuna did, waiting in anticipation over her reaction. A moment later I saw Setsuna smile a little as she said "It's good, I really like how you seasoned it too."

"Oh yeah?" I asked before I looked back to mine and took a bite. Like she said, it was pretty good and I did manage to get the seasoning right, which I was glad for, since due to a lack of experience in cooking for two, there wasn't much left to spare for me to check the seasoning with. It's a pleasant surprise that it worked out as well as it did, especially since it seems like Setsuna is enjoying it.

The two of us continued to eat our lunch and talk, and once we reached the end of our meals, I placed the empty bento box to the side and stretched out as I said "So anyways, what did you want to ask me about?"

Setsuna's face went a little flush and she said "Well I was wondering if you'd be willing to come over to my home for dinner one night."

"Huh? I mean I would, but didn't you say you weren't sure about your parents finding out about us?" I asked

"Well yeah, but after I went quiet while on the phone with you just because my mom passed by and I didn't want my mom to hear me say that I love you, I realized that I don't want to hide the things that matter to me, and since my parents have become more lax, I feel like it'd be okay if I showed them I had somebody as great as you as my partner." Setsuna said "And since they'll probably want to meet you if they find out about you, I thought I'd suggest it to you ahead of time."

I took a hold of her hand and said "In that case, if you really think I'm good enough, then I'd be happy to come over for dinner whenever."

"I don't just think it, I know you're amazing Y/n. I love you Y/n." Setsuna said, leaning her head against mine

"I love you too Setsuna, more than you could ever imagine." I said with a smile as I rested my head against hers, just enjoying being close with her as we enjoyed our break from classes. I'm a little nervous about meeting Setsuna's parents, but she's important to me, and so for her I'll gladly step out of my comfort zone a little. Her passion and optimism brings the best out of me, and I hope that I'll be able to stand alongside her for a long time to come.


A/n: Apologies for the nearly one month wait since the last chapter, I won't give excuses or anything like that, but tomorrow I'll try to post an explanation for where I've been, and hopefully I'll have this upcoming chapter out much sooner

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