Chapter 8 - Someone to Take a Chance For

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As I sat on a bench, I felt a slight breeze on my face as I waited for Setsuna. As of late she's been really busy so we haven't had too many chances to talk lately. But Setsuna told me she had something to tell me and I felt like she could use a change of pace, and so we both decided that after she took care of her club activities today we could go on a walk through the seaside park. It's been a bit since we had the time to just hang out, and I've been missing it. I've still been conflicted about my feelings for her, but I don't want them to get in the way of what me and Setsuna already have, our friendship is too important to me.

Eventually I saw her headed my way, and as I stood up to greet her, I said "Hey, you ready to go?"

"Yeah, I'm sorry I'm late, something happened that I needed to take care of." Setsuna said

"Don't worry about it, I haven't been here too long." I said "Hey, why not fill me in on what's been keeping you so busy while we walk over?"

"Sure, I'd love to." Setsuna said as she walked up beside me, and started telling me about all the practice they've been doing lately and some recent antics while we walked to the park together.

Once we got to the park, the only thing that seemed to change was our environment, walking under the shade of the trees, and the sound of crashing waves filling the air as we enjoyed just talking to each other, catching up on what the other has been up to lately, and talking about what games or anime we've been into lately. It wasn't anything too important, but I've missed these small moments between us.

After a while, we stopped at a bench to rest for a minute. I then said "I'll go get us some drinks, be back in a second."

I got up and headed back the way we came, to a vending machine we had run into a bit back, and bought us drinks, holding one in each hand as I headed back to Setsuna. As I returned, I saw a shady looking guy talking to Setsuna, and considering how uncomfortable she looked, I knew I had to do something. "C'mon, why don't you ditch whoever you're waiting for and come hang out with me? I promise I'll give you a good time." I heard him say as I approached, and as Setsuna saw me behind her, I saw a small bit of relief appear on her face.

I placed my hand on his shoulder and said "Hey buddy, I'd leave the girl alone. She isn't interested."

"Oh yeah? What are you, her boyfriend or something?" He said, turning to face me. He's about the same height as me, maybe a bit taller. He then added in a taunting tone "What are you gonna do if I don't? Fight me or something?"

Out in public like this, I know if I had to resort to force to get him to leave her alone, I won't end up with an inane punishment like I got last year, I'd risk getting arrested for assault if a cop didn't catch the whole scene. It could be a bad idea, but if it means being there for Setsuna, and protecting her when she needs me, I'll take a risk.

Thankful for the glare I was born with for the first time, I stared at him and said "If I need to. Now are you gonna leave or not?"

He was caught off guard for a second before pushing past me and saying "Nevermind, she isn't worth the trouble."

As he left, it was just me and Setsuna again, and as I tried to figure out what to say, I felt Setsuna suddenly hug me as she said "Thank you Y/n, I'm so glad you got back when you did."

"Don't worry about it, I'm just glad you're safe, alright?" I said, relaxing some as I smiled at her "Now let's not let that incident ruin things, right?"

Setsuna nodded and said "Yeah, I'm enjoying myself, and I don't want this to end quite yet."


Eventually, as we walked through the park, Setsuna took a look at the time and said "Ah, it's later than I thought. How about we head to the beach where it's more private, and I can tell you what I wanted to talk about?"

"Sure, sounds good." I replied, curious about what she wanted to tell me.

As we walked through the seaside park, the ocean sparkling from the setting sun, I kept thinking about what I decided on earlier. For Setsuna, I was willing to take a risk. I would be the only one affected back there if something went wrong so it was an easy decision, but that feeling, that if it meant being able to keep her happy and protect the optimism I love, I'd be willing to do something stupid. Does it really need to stop there? I mean sure it might cause problems if she doesn't feel the same way as me, but if she does, I'll be able to make her happy in a way I can't right now. Should I take the risk?

Once we headed down toward the beach near us, and looking out ahead of us the seemingly endless ocean seemed so eye-catching. But despite that, the thing that caught my attention the most was the way the setting sun illuminated Setsuna. She's beautiful, and so incredibly precious to me. I think for her, I'm willing to take the plunge.

I took a deep breath and said "Setsuna, I know you have something to tell me, but I need to say this before I lose my nerve. I-I love you. You've become somebody so dear to me, and I've been so scared to tell you that, because that we may drift apart if you didn't feel the same terrified me. But still, the thought of a future together with you just makes me too happy to keep running."

She looked at me with a blush on her face, smiling, and all of a sudden she lunged forward to hug me, holding onto me as she said "I'm so happy to hear you say that! I love you too Y/n, I wanted to tell you that myself today."

I felt a weight on my heart lessen as she hugged me, and wrapped my arm around her as I said "You serious? I wish I had known that sooner, it'd have been easier to tell you my feelings that way."

I felt Setsuna pull away as she said "I also decided that I'd finally tell you what I've been holding off from telling you once I confessed. Y/n, I didn't tell you this at first because I knew it'd be awkward, but Setsuna Yuki is just my stage name. We've spoken plenty of times otherwise though, as Nana and Y/n."

"Huh?" I said in surprise. Wait, Setsuna is Nana? Their personalities are so different though, but there is the fact they have the same hair color, and eye color... and are the same height... not to mention Nana started talking to me more right as I met Setsuna...

"I'm an idiot." I concluded with a small chuckle. My whole relationship with Setsuna started the same day as Nana rejecting me, and here we are now with me confessing to the same girl again, but this time to her alter ego. Still, I can't say I'm not happy with this outcome, it just means things worked out better than I thought.

Setsuna giggled and said "Don't be that way, the girls in the club didn't realize it either. And besides, even if you were one, you'd be my idiot."

This whole time I've been preventing me and Setsuna from finding happiness with moving towards a new stage in our relationship all because I was afraid. But now we've gone from friends, to lovers, and while I'm still gonna end up struggling with my fears, for Setsuna I wanna take a risk on a future together.

I took a hold of Setsuna's hand and said "Setsuna, I want to say this again, I love you, and I'm gonna try my best to make you happy." I then leaned forward to share a kiss with Setsuna, our lips meeting in that moment, and time seemed to slow down for that one perfect moment.

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