Chapter 13 - Creativity & Excitement

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One Year Later...

As I walked through the halls of Nijigasaki, I headed towards the classroom that Setsuna was a part of, her having asked me to meet her here after classes came to an end. I kind of wish I had shared a class with Setsuna this year as well, like I did back in my first and second years, but at the very least I share a class with Yuu, so I'm not entirely alone, and the two of us have been getting a bit closer lately.

As I got to her classroom, I opened the door and as I entered the room, I said "I'm here Setsuna, what's up?" As I looked inside, I found that inside was Setsuna waiting at her desk.

"Hey Y/n, there's something I was hoping I could ask you about" Setsuna said

"Oh yeah? And what's that?" I asked as I walked over to join her

"Do you remember how last year I entered a Rookie of the Year contest I found in a magazine?" Setsuna asked

I nodded my head and said "Yeah, I remember that you and Yuu worked on it together, and that you did pretty well." It was after she got a manga creation tool kit in a magazine that she got the idea while showing it to Yuu, and I would've tried to help her some myself, but when she first came up with the idea I had been visiting family out of town, and when I got back the two of them were so in the zone that I didn't want to mess with their flow by trying to learn to help. I remember how after she finished her draft the other girls were so excited to see what she had created, and in the contest itself that she won the award for the most distinguished effort.

Setsuna nodded and with a smile said "Well I was thinking that maybe I could try and enter another contest this year, and while Yuu said she'd help me, I was wondering if you'd help us too."

"I don't know how much I can really contribute, but of course I'll help. Your manga last year was a pretty good start, and I know you can do even better this year." I replied

"You will? Thank you Y/n, I always end up with even more interesting ideas when I bounce my ideas off of you, and I love how you can word things when you try to put detail into them." Setsuna said excitedly, getting up from her seat with a wide smile on her face

I shrugged and said "I dunno if that's really that much, but I'll do whatever I can to help elsewhere too." Plus, whatever type of story she comes up with, I'm sure it'll be a nice change of pace compared to how dark the sci-fi series I've been getting into is, I mean rot demons amongst the stars are awesome antagonists, but I could definitely go for something lighter.

A moment later, I heard the door behind us open, and I saw that Yuu had come in. "Hey, I take it you've asked him about helping us?"

"Yeah, he actually said yes just a minute ago" Setsuna said as she started to pull something out of her bag.

"So what kind of story do you have in mind?" I asked "I remember last year you ended up writing a detective story where the main culprit helped the detective find the real criminal."

Setsuna pulled a notebook out and opened it as she replied "I've written down a couple ideas already, but I haven't decided on one in particular yet."

Yuu and I moved to behind her to read what she has in the notebook and I said "The fantasy idea about a monster trainer, you could do an interesting take on whatever monster you end up going with."

"And I think this idea about an explorer finding their way through a trapped temple could be really exciting" Yuu said

"I see what both of you mean, but I'm still not sure if I have the right ideas to make it really interesting." Setsuna said

I nodded my head before I got an idea and placed two chairs on the other side of the desk from Setsuna. "I remember hearing this story about programmers explaining their programs to rubber ducks so they can find the mistakes in their coding, and so maybe if you explain to us your ideas with your own words and going past the notes you have there, you can come up with something you like."

"Good idea, let's give it a shot." Setsuna said as Yuu and I went to take our seats across from her.

Setsuna then started to go over her ideas for stories she could do from her manga, from sci-fi to fantasy, action packed to intrigue based, and some that were grounded compared to others that were more out there. As Setsuna explained them, Yuu and I would occasionally give our thoughts on a given idea, and the three of us would end up bouncing off of each other as we discussed ideas. Before long I was enjoying myself plenty, but my favorite part was how excited Setsuna was discussing her ideas and all the possibilities. I adore seeing her like this, and it makes me ecstatic to cheer her on when she's like this.

"Alright, I think I finally know what I want to do, I can't wait to get started on this cooking manga." Setsuna said excitedly

"Right, I'm sure it's gonna be great." I said with a smirk

"Maybe we should call Kanata to get a consultation too, with how good of a cook she is I'm sure it'll be a huge help." Yuu suggested

"Good idea, once I've got the start of the story figured out I'll call her to get her thoughts." Setsuna said.

It was then as the setting sun shone through the window that Setsuna looked her most beautiful, and with a wide smile said "We should probably get going home, but with how well we've been doing, how about we start coming up with an outline of the story on the way?"

With all of her optimism influencing me, I could see so many possibilities for how Setsuna's manga could go, and with a nod of my head, I said with an enthusiastic smile "Let's do it!"

Love Live! The Thrill of Possibility (Setsuna Yuki x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now