Chapter 7 - Clouded Hopes

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As a torrent of rain fell outside, I watched it through the windows, deciding what to do about getting home. It hadn't been raining when I left the house today so I didn't grab an umbrella, and it was barely sprinkling when classes ended so I figured that I could just wait it out.

"I guess this is why I should pay more attention to the weather forecast, huh?" I mumbled to myself as I got up from the desk I was sitting at and headed for the entrance to the school. I'll just cover my head with my bag until I get to a convenience store and go from there.

As I walked towards the exit however, I heard a voice behind me say "Hey Y/n"

I turned to see who it was and smiled as I said "Ah, hey Setsuna, I take it you finished up your club activities?"

"That's right, I was just about to leave." She said before she noticed my current situation and added "Hey, don't you have an umbrella?"

"Not today, I didn't bring it since I didn't think I'd need it." I said, grimacing to myself "Though I do have a plan in mind at least."

Setsuna then said "In that case, how about you share an umbrella with me?"

"Huh? Yeah, that'd be great." I said, smiling slightly. It's the solution typically done in manga and the like, but it's a pretty good solution all things considered.

"Great! There was also a question I've been meaning to ask you, so this is a good opportunity." Setsuna said, joining me and handing me the umbrella

"Alright, ask whenever" I said, opening the umbrella before we stepped out into the rain. I'm nearly a foot taller than Setsuna, so it's easier to hold it above the two of us if I'm the one holding onto it.

As we walked together, we ended up talking some about how our days were and what she's been up to in the idol club lately, but after a while of waiting for Setsuna to breach the subject she had mentioned in passing, I said "So uh, you wanted to ask me something?"

"Right." Setsuna said, seeming a little flustered "Well, the thing is that I found out that a while ago you asked out Nakagawa, and I was just curious about what attracted you to her. I'm sorry if this is too personal, I was just curious is all."

She wants to know why I have feelings for Nakagawa? How come? Is she interested in me or something? No, no that's probably not it, she's probably just genuinely curious. I let out a small sigh and rubbed the back of my neck as I figured out how to word it. "Ah.. well for one I think she's really pretty, not to mention I'm glad she didn't care about the rumors about me, but also, when I first saw her, I felt this pull towards her..."

Kind of like I felt when I first met Setsuna. After getting rejected by Nana, I was planning to just wander around and keep to myself, but there was something about Setsuna that drew me to her. Now I'm glad for it, because Setsuna is a great friend and a constant source of joy, not to mention the fact that she's really cute, but back then I didn't expect her to end up such a close person to me, I just decided to give talking to her a chance.

Now though, I can't imagine not having her around. I love how passionate she gets and how she gets me excited through that enthusiasm of hers. I love trading suggestions about anime and the like. And I love trying to make her laugh. I really do love being with Setsuna.


Am I in love with Setsuna? I mean she is really attractive, and just being with her makes me happy, so maybe I do. But the way I feel about her is different compared to how I felt about Nana. With Nana I was really interested in her, but imagining what would happen after asking her out felt like nothing but passing fantasies, but with Setsuna, thinking about what the future has in store, the ideas of where me and Setsuna's relationship will go seem more like solid possibilities. Maybe it's just because I know her better, or maybe it's something more.

"I see, so that's why you were interested in her." Setsuna said

"Yeah, but honestly, my crush on her has ended up passing. She wasn't interested in me, and I've let it go." I said

"Oh yeah? I'm glad to hear you've been able to move on" Setsuna said with a chipper tone.

Still, I don't know if I should even tell her how I feel. With Nana I was able to confess to her since we weren't more than acquaintances, there wouldn't be too much at risk of changing if she rejected me. But with Setsuna it's a different story, I love being around her so much, and so the possibility of Setsuna not feeling the same and it causing us to drift apart is such a terrifying idea. Do I really wanna take that risk? And do I even trust myself to make that decision? Considering how things have been for me this past year after taking a risk and ending up isolated because of the rumors, who knows if my judgment is particularly good.

I tried to shake off those thoughts for now as I talked with Setsuna until we reached a convenience store near where we needed to part ways. We said our farewells, and as I headed inside to grab an umbrella, Setsuna turned to head the rest of the way home. And as I began the walk back home through the rain, I was left alone with nothing but me and my thoughts.

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