Chapter 2 - Opening Up to A New Friend

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As class continued on for the day, the teacher let out a small sigh and said "And that's all I had for this lesson. For the rest of class, pair up with the person beside you and work through the assignment in the book."

Looking over to the person who'd I'd be paired with, I couldn't help but feel a bit awkward. I mean it wasn't that long ago that I confessed to Nakagawa, and while she's been as courteous to me as always, I just don't know what to say to her or even around her.

I scooted my desk over to hers rather than have her initiate and say "I guess we'll be working together again."

She gave me a smile and said "Right, well then, let's do our best. And if there's anything you still don't quite understand, feel free to ask me."

Opening my textbook, I nodded and said "I'll keep that in mind."

I've been sitting beside Nakagawa since the start of the school year, and we were in the same class last year too. I've always thought that she was really pretty and I was surprised by how mature she was, but in the end the key thing that led to me falling for her and confessing to her was that she didn't treat me differently or avoid me. Because of an incident in my first year there are plenty of rumors about me being some violent person with a short temper if not worse, and while I try to ignore them, it's ruined any reputation I had and caused people to avoid me. And so when she treated me with kindness paired with me already being attracted to her, I fell for her. It took way too much time to work up the courage to confess, but I guess it was pretty pointless since there was no way she'd be into me.

I could feel myself getting sucked into those thoughts as we worked, but did my best to avoid showing them. I'm already awkward around her, I don't need to make myself seem any weirder. However, as we worked, Nakagawa said "L/n, you don't need to feel so awkward around me. I can understand why after what happened, but I hope that we can still continue to get along."

"Right, I'll try to keep that in mind." I said, trying to give her a smile. I guess my confession to her wasn't that big of a deal to her, which I don't know if I should be happy or sad about.

"So, do you have any plans for the afternoon?" Nakagawa asked

"Huh? No, I was thinking of just spending some time reading in the courtyard before going home. Why?" I said

She smiled and said "I was just thinking that if we talked some I could help you get over your awkwardness around me. So do you read there often?"

I shrug "Sometimes if the weather is nice. It feels nice to get out, you know?"

She nodded and said "Yeah, it feels great.'

Setsuna's Perspective

As Y/n and I quietly talked as we worked, I was happy for the opportunity to get to know him better. It's still a little embarrassing to think about how he was the first person to ever confess to me, but I do want to be his friend. I won't be practicing with the idol club today because of work for the student council I need to do, but if I finish early, maybe this could be a chance to talk to him some. If he's still there by then.


Y/n's Perspective

"...Y/n? Hello?"

As a voice reached my ears, I felt my consciousness slowly rise to the surface, and as I opened my eyes, there was a figure blocking some of the sunlight. I stood up and rubbed the sleep from my eyes before realizing the figure in front of me was Setsuna, today wearing her school uniform rather than the outfit she wore when we first met.

"Ah, hey Setsuna. What's up?" I said

"How come you were asleep?" She asked

"I was reading manga, but I barely got any sleep last night, and it was cozy out, so I thought I'd have a cat nap." I said, as I stood up "By the way, I started reading the series you told me about, and it's really just as good as you said."

"Right? And I read some of your favorite series, and I can totally see why. The premise seems simple, but the characters are so fun, and it's amazing how strongly it shows not letting your limits hold you down and not letting others' views of you hold you down." Setsuna said

I smiled and said "I'm glad you like it. I have all the volumes at home and if you wanted I could bring some of them to lend to you."

"Would you?" Sestuna said, smiling

"Sure thing, just tell me where to meet with them and I'll bring them there." I said

Setsuna and I spent a while talking about light novels and manga, enjoying ourselves, before Setsuna went quiet for a moment followed by her saying "Y/n, can I ask you about something?"

"Sure, what's up?" I asked

"Well, I heard about the rumors about you getting into a fight last year, and I'm sorry if this is a bit early, but I wanted to know what happened." She said before adding "Don't worry though, I won't judge you for any of it or anything."

I feel my smile fall as she asks, I hate thinking about it since I really wasn't in the wrong, but I decide that I may as well tell her. After all, she wants to be my friend, and unlike most people, she actually asked what happened. And I mean hey, I'd rather clear this up with her now rather than later.

I let out a sigh and said "One month after school started, I was checking out the areas of the school I never went by when I heard two of our senpai talking about something. Turns out one had been forcing the other to do all his homework, and after he finally said he was done, the other started threatening him and the people close to him, and hearing it I made the rash and stupid decision to help him and charged in. I only threw a single punch, but it ended up so out of proportion. If you don't want to end up with people judging you for hanging around me, it's fine to keep your distance, you know."

As I said that I felt Setsuna hug me as she said "Y/n, I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I'm not gonna distance myself from you just because of that. You may have made a bad decision, but you aren't the bad guy there. I still want to be your friend, and that won't change it."

I felt a small smile starting to form on my lips, and nodded my head. I've ended up alone for the most part because of that incident, and I was worried if Setsuna found out about it that she'd end up avoiding me too. But if she will be my friend despite the rumors about me, I couldn't be happier.

After she stopped hugging me, for some reason her expression was slightly flush, yet despite that she smiled at me sweetly. In the end I wanna get to know more about this girl who's decided to become my friend, and hopefully we'll be able to get along even better from here on.

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