Your Smile

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"I missed you"

What the fuck did I utter!!!! Before he can say anything I already declined the call. Again that same feeling which I had one month before when I went to his apartment to taste his food.

I lied down on my bed thinking what happened that day, I didn't even realise I was smiling. And slowly closed my eyes and I myself don't know when sleep took over me.


At XXXX Hospital, Tokyo

Seokjin's POV

"I missed you"

What was that, " Hello, hello" I said but he had already declined the call. Is he drunk or what, first he apologized which I never expected from him and then this. Aish, I will for sure go crazy.

" Jinnie" A voice called behind me.

" Hyung why did you get up. Doctor told you to rest right." Aish, why nobody listens to me. I went towards him and made him lie down on his bed.

" Jinnie, why are your ears red??" He asked

Oh no. Not you too hyung. I don't want to stutter, orelse he would think something else. So I framed my words and said,

" It's nothing Hyung"

He raised his eyebrows and said, " Don't lie to me Jinnie, I heard you talking to someone before I called you. Atlast my bro got someone, I am really happy for you"

" I told you it's nothing though, sleep now or else I will get scolding for making you talk so much" I said to him, he is older than me, but when he be sick he will be behaving like a baby. I lifted the blanket till his shoulder and sat in the chair beside his bed and slowly brushed his hair with my hand.

When I saw that he is sleeping soundly, I stood up and walked towards the window. I looked at the moon which was shining so brightly, I closed my eyes slowly. The things which occured few minutes before. Did he really miss me, and slowly a smile crept in my face.

Time Skip: 1 week later

Author's POV

It's been one week. Today its gonna rain as the weather is cloudy. So many of the students came early today. Taehyung was one of them. Yoongi didn't come still. As he told he will pick up Hoseok, though Hoseok is having Jin's car but he is too lazy to drive.

So here Taehyung is looking out of the window, today their first period is English. As Jin told Taehyung to do the research he did. He is waiting for him to come soon. He wants to ask when he is coming. But after that day, he didn't have the courage.

It started raining. And that's when he heard that voice yelling at someone " Yaah Hoba you go inside, if you don't want to experience this feeling."

Don't know what got into Taehyung he rushed downstairs, from where he heard that voice. It came from the playground. When he went there he saw that everyone came under the shed and some running to come under the shed, except one person, Jin. He was standing in the middle of the playground, looking at the sky and slowly closed his eyes and the rain drops falling on him.

On the other side Hoseok was shouting towards Jin, " Yaah hyung, come now, just yesterday you returned and now are you planning to get sick", hoseok stopped when yoongi tugged him and asked, " Isn't that guy walking towards Jin seems like Taehyung...

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On the other side Hoseok was shouting towards Jin, " Yaah hyung, come now, just yesterday you returned and now are you planning to get sick", hoseok stopped when yoongi tugged him and asked, " Isn't that guy walking towards Jin seems like Taehyung??" Hoseok looked closely and said " Yes that's Taehyung, what this two are planning to do" " Aish are they shooting for a kdrama or something, yaah Taehyung come back" Yoongi said annoyingly and shouted at the direction Taehyung was going.

On the other side, Taehyung didn't know why he going towards Jin. When he was just behind. A thunder flashed just near them. Jin got scared. He didn't realise someone was standing behind him. He bumped on Taehyung and was going to fall but thanks to Taehyung who held his waist. They were staring at each other. Both wet due to the rain which was now falling heavily.

Another thunder flashed, and this time Jin hugged Taehyung. He likes rain but he is scared of thunder and lightning. Taehyung doesn't know what to do, he didn't expect Jin to hug him suddenly. So he hugged him back.

Two guys hugging each other in the rain

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Two guys hugging each other in the rain. Some didn't bother and went to their classes, some giving them disgusting looks and some wanted to have what they have. The bell rang, their first period was about to begin. The rain was stopping slowly.

Jin was still hugging Taehyung. He doesn't know why he was feeling warm, by being this close to Tae. Tae called him softly, " The thunder and lightning has stopped, if you want you can leave me now"

Jin realised in what position they were, Jin's both hands on Taehyung's shoulders and Taehyung's were on his waist. Their wet bodies were touching. He removed his hands from his shoulders immediately. And kept distance between them.

And then he lifted his head and said pouting his lips, " Thanks Taehyung. Actually I love rain so when I saw it's going to rain I couldn't stop myself and now see here I am standing in wet clothes. Do you also like rain, that's the reason you came??"

Taehyung didn't know what to answer, he himself doesn't know why he came here by hearing Jin's voice. So he composed himself and said, " Ye--es, and I am wet too, do you perhaps want to bunk today's class, you know if we sit with this clothes we will catch cold."

Jin thought for a while and then smiling said, " Yeah sure, but how are we going to bunk the first period has already started" Jin's smile is really beautiful and this time he is smiling at him, Taehyung thought. So Taehyung too returned his boxy smile and said " Come with me". Taehyung held Jin's hand.

Jin still could not process what is happening with him

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Jin still could not process what is happening with him. First that hug, then Taehyung's boxy smile which he gave to Jin, which he wants to see more. And now they are fucking holding hands.

He looked at Taehyung and then their hands which were now intertwined " Again what you are doing to me, Taehyung".

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