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Jin yelled, which made Taehyung stop on his track. The students were staring at Jin and passing comments about him. But Jin didn't seem to care about any of them. He just walked towards Taehyung, who, was standing still.

" Hey are you deaf can't you hear me calling you??" Jin asked Taehyung when he approached close to him. But Taehyung remained silent.

" Hey I asked you something??" Saying that Jin hit Taehyung's shoulder. And kept his hand on Taehyung's shoulder.

But Taehyung brushed off Jin's hand from his shoulder and mumbled coldly, " Don't touch me"

Jin couldn't understand what Taehyung said so he again kept his hand on Taehyung's shoulder and asked him, " What??"

" DON'T TOUCH ME" Taehyung yelled this time and pushed Jin away from him. Yoongi came at the correct time and held him. " Jin are you okay??" Yoongi asked. Jin couldn't say anything he was still shocked from the event which took place. He just stared at Taehyung with a hurt expression. Yoongi made Jin stand, just then Hoseok, Jimin and Jungkook rushed towards them, when they saw crowd.

" Taehyung are you nuts!!! Why did you have to push him??" Yoongi yelled at Taehyung. But Taehyung didn't say anything he just gave a last glance to Jin and walked away pushing through the crowd.

The crowd slowly started dispersing and Jungkook held Jin's shoulder tightly and took him to their canteen so that they can talk properly.

"Hyung are you okay?? That fucking bastard knows just to use a person and nothing else. " Jungkook said gritting his teeth. Jin didn't say anything he just kept looking down as if in deep thought.

"What does this Taehyung want I really can't understand. Few days before only he was being so lovey dovey with Jin hyung, suddenly what happened to him" Jimin said.

" He has gotten crazy, that's the thing" Yoongi said angrily. Hoseok kept his hand on Yoongi's shoulder so that he can calm down a bit.

" Guys I am going home." Suddenly Jin said standing up.

" Why hyung??" Jungkook asked. " And what about the things we planned??" Jungkook said, he was a bit sad after seeing his hyung's state.

" I will be there on time kookie don't worry and I just need some time alone" Jin said with a fake smile which is plastered on his face.

" Should I give you company hyung??" Hoseok asked, he was not sure whether to leave Jin alone or not in this state.

" No Hoba you stay with them and enjoy. I am telling know I will be at the venue right at the correct time." Jin said this time smiling genuinely. And walked away.

" I hope so he is not pretending to be okay this time" Hoseok said sighing.

" Don't worry he is an adult, he knows what is right and wrong for him." Yoongi said reassuring Hoseok. " Now what say let's go or else that two coconut heads will be angry" Yoongi said chuckling. Hoseok couldn't held his smile back anymore. And joined Yoongi. And then started following Jimin and Jungkook who were walking before them.


Time Skip: Evening

" Do you think he will come guys??" Jungkook asked wiggling his feet for the past few minutes.

" Jungkook ah stop being impatient. He told he will come right." Yoongi said annoyed by Jungkook's behaviour.

" If he doesn't..." Jungkook couldn't complete his sentence as they heard a sweet voice behind them

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