Receiving A Gift

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Ah College. When teens slowly becoming more and more adult enter another education course that, depending on whoever you ask, is more brutal or less brutal than high school. Sure, the tests are at a difficulty that's unforgiving at times, but only having to go for 3 days a week instead of 5 makes up for it. For me, I belong in the latter group while my friends are in the former group. I like to use those free days to catch upon some lessons or subjects I may have missed or to indulge in hobbies of mine.

As for my friends, I'll just say they waste their free days doing whatever 18-year-olds do that they regret when they look back on it. That doesn't mean I don't like hanging out with them, I just wish that they could focus a bit on their studies! Tom just lazes about through most of the school day and is only active during free period, lunch, or when he's at the student dorms nearby. Kyle just acts like a hyperactive little brother, it's cute on some occasions, but it's annoying most of the time.

Still, even through all those flaws and more, we're still best friends because of our love for the same topic: Sonic The Hedgehog. Ever since my dad gave me his Sega Megadrive he had when he was a teen and let me play Knuckles Chaotix, I fell in love with the series, same with Tom and Kyle. We spend most weekends discussing our favourite games, characters, stages, bosses, the list goes on.

Now, back to College for a moment, We all don't have the same schedule, but we do have a few lessons that we share, one of those being debate class, where each person comes up with a different topic and we spend the lesson sharing our ideals on it. Some of those questions are harmless like "Do you put the cereal in first or the milk first?" or "Should primary schools have a dress code?", but there was one question that's still haunting my mind:

Why does mankind exist?

Everyone on this planet has their own unique answer, the religious say that God created us to represent our image, scientists say that we're the next race to honour survival and evolution, and most people say we exist because we can, and anybody could be right. We found ways to share creativity with friends, craft deadly weapons to eliminate our enemies, and possibly be able to traverse the cosmos and discover any hidden meanings in the galaxy in a few thousand years. But that doesn't excuse the faults mankind has made, we worship deity's that don't exist, shown aggression and hate to many for selfish reasons, and cower at the possibility of a past mistake ever resurfacing.

Still, humanity exists. Which brings me back to that question. To me, humanity is used to represent a change in life, one that focuses on knowledge, emotion, and strength instead of just one of the three. But lately, another question has buzzed though my mind more than a bee does when it flies by your ear:

Is mankind alone in this world?

Those that say "Of course not, we've got our friends, family, pets, and other strangers with us" aren't seeing the full picture of this question. What it means is are we alone, in the universe. Is there something outside our galaxy? If so, what is their world like? Is it different or similar to ours? And, How do they humanity? Do they see us as things they need to guide and educate, or destroy us, or just want nothing to do with us, seeing us as a waste of time? No matter what, it's unnerving to think that there's something or someone out there, looking down at us like toys...

Kyle: (Y/N), are you listening?

I shake my head and turn my head towards Kyle, his green emerald eyes shining brighter than his blonde hair. He must've been talking to me and I didn't hear him.

(Y/N): No, sorry Kyle. Could you repeat that?

Kyle: I was asking if you wanted to join me and Tom tonight? Tom was able to barely pass his maths test and wants to head into town to celebrate. He's already got Roger, Vicky, Mike, and me on board, and wants to know if you want to join as well.

(Y/N): Sorry Kyle, I can't join you, I promised my dad I'd stay indoors for him because he's sending me something and wants to make sure I get it. I may be able to join you next time.

Kyle nods and leaves the lounge area as I finish the rest of my Pepsi before making my way back my room on the 7th floor. I take the stairs since the lifts are undergoing some repairs and reach my room, locking the door behind me and heading straight to the bath room to wash off any dry skin I had on me. After that, I entered the main area and noticed a brown package laying on the table, almost like it's beckoning me to take a look inside. At first I wondered where it came from, but then I remembered what I told Kyle a few minutes earlier.

I entered the kitchen and left with a knife, which I used to remove the tape and tear into the package immediately. Looking inside revealed a disk with a label reading "Sonic.EXE" written on it, almost like it was scribbled on in a hurry. I questioned where my father would find this or why he would sell me this, but all my mind could come up with was that he found this at a garage sale and sent it my way since he knows how much I love Sonic games.

I wasn't going to pass up the chance to play a bootleg or ROM hack, those things can be enjoyable if you look in the right places, so I got out my laptop, turned it on, gave the disk a quick clean with a wipe, then inserted it in and waited for it to fully download. It took 3 minutes for the disk to be registered, but when it finished, something popped up in my desktop, having the iconic golden ring as it's main icon. Nostalgia flew through my head as I remembered all those times playing Knuckles Chaotix and trying to collect all of the Chaos Rings, ,so without hesitation, I double-clicked the icon and pateintly waited for the game to load.

(??? POV)

Ah, a new toy has picked up the game. This one seems to have joy before playing, this is interesting. The previous ones were confused when they played, maybe this one will be different... Guess I'll have to find out eventually.


And that's the first chapter of this new story! We get some knowledge on (Y/N)'s friends, his beliefs, some of his fears, and he gets a new game to play. Will he enjoy it? You'll get the answer soon when the first zone comes up...

A god's Favourite Toy (Yandere Xenophanes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now