Concern And Tension Rising

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(Tom POV)

Me, Kyle, and the rest of us are sitting down in the main lounge of the student flats, patiently waiting for (Y/N) to arrive. Ever since that call I had with him last night, I worried that (Y/N)'s mental health wasn't doing so well. I mean, yeah the murders are effecting us as well, but he's acting like he's hiding something from us. I told the others about possibly confronting him on this, but they shot down the idea, saying that it may get (Y/N) more unwell and instead suggested that we go get a coffee together to try and get his mind off whatever he's dealing with. I agreed with that and Kyle sent a message to (Y/N), asking if he can see us in the lounge.

After 15 minutes of waiting, Mike spots (Y/N) coming down the stairs and alerts us. We turn around and see him, he looks like a mess. It's not his clothing that's the problem, but the head. His hair is messy, his skin looks pale, and his eyes have noticeable bags. Did he even sleep that night? Vicky waves him over as he shakily approaches, taking a seat next to me and Kyle.

Roger: Geez man, you look like you've just had a date with death. Did you get any sleep last night.

(Y/N): *yawning constantly* Yeah...I hit the sack at 9 PM.

Vicky: Then why do you look so...Dishevelled? 

(Y/N): Just...had a bad dream. Nothing to worry about.

Tom: No, it is something to worry about.

Kyle: Tom-

Tom: Not now Kyle. Listen (Y/N), after the call we had last night, you've been acting off. And as your friends, we're worried about you. If the way you're acting didn't show us, then your expression did. I'm not gonna force you to tell us what's going on, but...please be careful. You're like a brother to me and Kyle, and I refuse to let anything happen to you.

(Y/N) just stands there in silence as he takes in what I told him. When he didn't respond or move, I just pull him into a hug. I know I never give this to anyone or show much emotions, but this is an exception. After I let go of him, (Y/N) speaks up in a more clearer tone.

(Y/N): Sorry, it's just...after hearing about more killings, I just got more paranoid. I was afraid that the killer could've been listing to the conversation from anywhere. Add on the nightmares, and I barely got enough sleep cause I kept seeing hallucinations.

Tom: Alright man, at least you're fine. But what were those nightmares about?

(Y/N): I'd...rather not talk about it.

I nod, knowing that (Y/N) won't tell me anything about it, even if I pressured him into spilling, so I just patted his shoulder as Kyle and Vicky began explaining how the day off will go, bringing up how we'll go get some coffee and snacks first, then have a nice walk through the park, and end off by returning here for a few fighting games in the afternoon. (Y/N) seemed really exited about this day, guess he really needed an excuse for going outdoors. Without wasting anymore time, Mike and I stood up the minute they wrapped up the plan, and we walked out the doors with the others following behind, ready for a good day.


Today was really relaxing, especially after the last night. First we went to a nearby coffee shop and picked up a nice drink, next we visited a nearby supermarket and grabbed a few snacks to take and enjoy later. I grabbed a few ingredients to make a sandwich, Kyle and Roger grabbed some ice cream and chocolate bars, while Vicky and Mike had to keep Tom from trying to bring a frozen pizza. After that fiasco, we took off to the park for a few rounds of football and for a few quick bites to eat. During that time, some woman approached me and tried to ask me a question.

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