The First "Present"

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(Tom POV)

My friends, aside from Kyle and myself, are in sheer and utter disbelief. Me and Kyle just finished explaining what he saw in that "game" (Y/N) somehow got, and we didn't leave out detail. I can understand their shock, I mean, I was like that when Kyle told me about it. After a few minutes of silence passed, Vicky spoke up.

Vicky: So what you're telling us, is that there's some kind of monster that's messing with (Y/N), and is potentially planning to kill or torture him, correct.

Kyle: Pretty much.

Vicky just stares down in silence, tears starting to drip down her face. But soon, a face of anger and determination appears as she balls her hands into fists.

Vicky: Then what are we doing standing here!? Let's get that disc and smash it with a hammer!

Mike: Sweetie, please, calm down.

Vicky: Calm down? Calm Down!? Our friend is in danger and you want me to calm down!? What is wrong with you guys!?

Tom: Look Vicky, we all share the same anger you have now, but we can't just grab the disc and break it. What if (Y/N) catches us doing it? Not to mention that demon told Kyle whatever we'd try to tell him won't work.

At first, Vicky just stares at me with more anger, until her expression becomes more and more upset, which ends up with her falling to her knees, letting all of her tears out. Mike pulls his girlfriend into a hug and caresses her back as I stare at everyone else.

Tom: We need a plan, and we need one fast...


After finishing that chili dog, I stare at the computer in thought, and about the game. It's a bit late than usual, not to mention that scar on my chest is still on my mind, but I did receive a chili dog as an apology, so I'm willing to give whoever that hedgehog is a chance. I sit down at the computer and turn it on, clicking the game icon as the screen turns to black, and that familiar voice makes it grand return.

"You're back. And I thought I wouldn't be able to play with you today"

(Y/N): Yeah, after that "surprise" this morning, I was hesitant on giving this game a play, but you at least sent an apology gift. Nice chili dog, by the way.

"Thanks. And you're right, I should've waited until getting permission before doing that. I was just preparing some nice presents, and I must've gotten too excited."

(Y/N): Hey, it's ok, I forgive you. You at least know what you did was wrong and apologised, so I'll give you another chance.

"Thank you! Say, how about I let you see one of the gifts early? The other two are taking a while to finish, so maybe this one will give you an idea on what to expect."

(Y/N): Sure, I don't mind a bit of an early access. Let's see it.

The voice let out a laugh of excitement as the text "Our Eden" appeared, revealing a new character in a new location. The location was of a black void with some platforms made of a bright white light, as the music was of something holy, with ringing bells and a choir making this place sound wonderful. But that wasn't what caught my attention, that went to who I was playing as. The character was a hedgehog with purple fur, red eyes, black gloves, and grey shoes. He was also wearing a (F/C) hoodie, along with a white scarf around his neck. I stared at the new character in surprise, I never saw him any any kind of Sonic media before. Who even is he?

A god's Favourite Toy (Yandere Xenophanes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now