The Toy's First Kill

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I stand near a large portal ring, observing the lives of all the peaceful Mobians that live down there, watching as they continue to laugh with their friends, watching as their families are constant within their vision and hearts, watching as I endlessly recollect how I lost everything to Xenophanes. From getting the game, to communicating with the demon like a best friend, to my unexpected demise, those memories can never leave my head, and why should they? It's my fault for not thinking this "rare sonic fangame" was something more.

I can't even go down there and interact with the flickies or Mobians, since they run away from me in fear, either from my freakish appearance as Basilides or Xenophanes constantly breathing down my neck. Speaking of Xenophanes, we've been playing all sorts of games together, from tag, to red light green light, to even board games and card games. Call me crazy, but I think I'm enjoying spending time with him. Is this what Stockholm syndrome is like, where you become like the one that's tortured you? If so, my mind is confused right now.

That's not the only confusing thing here, as Xenophanes told me that time works differently in his world. Basically, one month back where I came from is the same as 3 years in here, which did explain why I didn't feel like I was getting older. Anyway, after watching all the little creatures play in Palmtree Panic from Sonic CD, night-time set in, and all the flickies and Mobians went off to their homes. This was great, since now I could explore the place without anyone screaming at me.

Without waiting another second, I jump through, landing on the grassy terrain below me and observing the bright lights in the fields. It's always zones like this one that help me relax and get my mind off of the god of this world reminding me every passing hour that I'm his "favourite toy", whatever that means, he still has yet to explain it. I continue my stroll through the zone, stopping to observe my reflection in the water, seeing my human self staring back at me, but then something flie by my head and crashes into a tree.

I look towards what was thrown at me, seeing a large knife, before turning in the direction it was thrown. Standing a good distance away was a short man with a few hair strands, a long sharp nose, and wore an outfit similar to Eggman, but was coloured green instead of red. Upon looking closer at the shaking man, I realised that this was Snively from one of the American Sonic cartoons, as well as the Archie comics. Sinvely must've noticed that I was eyeing him, because he soon spoke up, more angered than afraid.

Snively: Don't you dare take another step forward, you monster!

(Y/N): (confused) Monster? What are you talking about? I'm not monster.

Snively: Don't bother lying, you fiend! I know what happened with Robotnik! I know that you helped that crystalised beast kill him! You're responsible for his death!

At first I was hurt by his words. While it's true that I had some involvement with Eggman's death, leading him to Xenophanes, that feeling of guilt was quickly brushed aside by rage. I stared back at Snively, my eyes  beginning to glow as I spoke back at him with a similar tone.

(Y/N): You really think I wanted to see the mad doctor die? Sure, I never liked him for all of the crimes he committed to this place and all the inhabitants, but I, neither anyone else, wished for him dead. So stop blaming me for something that was out of my control!

Snively: Out of your control? Out of your control!? You could've told that monster to leave him alone, you could've saved his life! But no, you just let my uncle die and left his corpse to become a decoration, now it's time for you to face karma, demon!

Without warning, Snievely leapt towards me, pulling out another knife, and began slashing at me aggressively. I started to evade him, which was easy thanks to the speed that my vessel has, but knowing Snively, he wouldn't let this happen for long. Sure enough, he unveiled a ray gun from under his sleeve and fired multiple shots at me. These shots spread into smaller projectiles, and were much faster than me, so I had a lot of difficulty trying to evade them. Soon, Snively kicked me in the stomach and attempted to stab me on the heart, while I started to push the knife away from me.

A god's Favourite Toy (Yandere Xenophanes x Male Reader)Where stories live. Discover now