~ in or out? ~

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• characters: Zhongli - childe - aether
side character: verr goldet - pimon
• type: smut / small aftercare
requested: no
• word count: 3706 words
AU: wangshu Inn / normal day in a genshin world


aether pov:

Today was a normal day, just like the others in Liyue.

It was morning, I was woken up by a high-pitched voice, claiming she was hungry... If you haven't guessed, it's Paimon.

I whine desperately, asking for a few additional minutes of sleep.

I wish I was not this sleep deprived because of all the commissions I had to do recently. She should take my efforts into consideration.
All she does is float around me while I get my ass beaten by who knows what I come across every day.

So we went to the cafeteria of wangshu Inn to feed the emergency food... how ironic.

We decided to rent a room there for a few days to get a little break.

On our way there, I got called over by Verr goldet.
How amazing, can't even go eat breakfast in peace.
But as a traveler, I have to keep my social image clean. So I didn't hesitate to answer her.

"Hello, traveler! Sorry for bothering you, but can I ask you a favor ?"

I stopped, took a deep breath, turned around, walked towards her, placed my hands gently on her desk, and then smiled.

"Good morning. What do you need help with?"

"I know it's early in the morning, and you don't usually take commissions at this time, especially on weekends, but... it's a tiny one. Just deliver this package to room ***"

"Ay ay, captain."

"The owner might not be in their room, so here is the key. Just place the box somewhere they can notice when walking in and make sure to lock the door behind you. Who knows"

She handed me the key to the room and the package, I was curious and without noticing words slipped out of my mouth.

"What is inside ?"

"I don't know. The owner asked me not to open it. "

I nodded my head.

I told pimon to go ahead to the cafeteria.

I went upstairs and stopped in front of the room designed, I could hear people talking inside. I thought the owner was not there...

The door was slightly open, so I decided not to knock. I was already in a bad mood after all those things that happened. I acted before thinking again.

I barge in to find Zhongli sitting on a couch and childe on top of him with one of his knees between zhongli's legs.
They were both in dressing gowns... nothing but dressing gowns...

A loud silence filled the room, and the atmosphere was very tense.

My body was frozen looking at both of the men, them looking back at me in embarrassment trying to process what just happened.

"I TOLD YOU TO LOCK THE DOOR," shouted Zhongli

"I.... thought I did. I'm so sorry..."


"I was too excited it made me forget..."

Seeing them two in this state, this position, awoken something in me I never knew could be awoken...

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