⊶⊰ Did I tell you? ⊱⊷

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⚠️ for more context, read the chapter titled "✄ barber ✄"

• characters: Gaming - Freminet
• side character: nope
• type: smut - fluff (?)
• requested: yes (thank you for the request whoever it was. mb bro ur username was so long help the @ thingy didnt register lol)
• word count: 4239
• AU: normal high-school

Freminet's pov:

After a full year of self torture since I was obliged to leave my loved one, I passed the days in pure agony, which was chipping away at my sanity very slowly.

Despite everything, what i experienced with Gaming that winter has also been a little light inside my heart, pushing me forward.

When we last kissed, that was the last time my life had meaning up until now.

This memory is the only thing that still gives me hope that maybe there's a point to this world.

That's why i dont think I'll ever forget.
I won't forget that winter, a boring winter, not cold enough for snow.

I won't forget what happened.
I won't forget my lover.
The past lover who I've lost.
I won't forget myself.
The past self that I've lost.

After I freshly turned 20 and completely cut ties with Father to better myself, I have been living alone after 7 years and made a reputation for myself as a barber in the new town I permanently moved to.

I also adopted a black stray cat and named him Pers.

I only just opened my shop one hour ago for the day, so no customers are here yet, but despite that, the door opened, making the door chime sound in my quiet shop this early morning.

"Hey... can you cut my hair?"
Someone I knew spoke from behind... I know who this soft tone belongs to, but I can't seem to remember...

I turn around to see a handsome brunette untying his hair from a low bun, just like mine, to reveal its long length.

His presence was familiar. His figure was familiar. His voice was familiar, and his movements were familiar.
Just who is he...?

My gaze darts to his face immediately, and when my eyes meet his; his beautiful, gorgeous, breathtaking honey brown eyes, I realize.

I realized who he was. I realized the person I have been missing so much for such a long time. And there he was, standing in front of me. The man I love, the man I always loved.

"Ga... Gaming?"
I stutter out as his eyes widen at the realization, too.

I felt my heart skip a beat, my throat gape, and my body shake like a leaf. I don't know if I'm feeling this way because I'm scared or happy... I'm just glad he is here.

His lips part in a loud gasp, and his gaze softens... that gaze that casts warmth in me, in my cold heart...

I feel my chin scrunch as I try to hold back tears.

He leaps into my arms as we both grip onto each other tight. So tight that it felt like the other would flead if we would to let go.

For a moment, this felt unreal, just like I was in a cruel dream that I never wanted to wake up from.

Once the moment sunk in a little, we started running our hands up and down each other's bodies to check the changes that happened those past few years.

We both grew in length, but he remains taller than me. His muscles are bigger, his shoulders are wider, and his voice sounds deeper but somehow manages to keep that calming tone that soothes me every time he speaks.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now