☆ that one season ☆

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• characters: cyno - tighnari
• side character: collei (mentions of sucrose)
• type: smut
• requested: no (PLEASE SOME1 REQUEST ANYTHING 😭😭)
• word count: 4070 words
• AU: sumeru / normal day in genshin


Tighnari's pov:

I lay comfortably in warm and cozy blankets, wrapping me like a cocoon.
Ahh, how nice... I wish I could stay like this a bit longer. Unfortunately, I have to get up and get ready for work.

My eyes flutter open to sun rayons, which slithered through a crack between my curtains.

I drag myself out of bed and open them... something feels off, tho.

Usually, I wake up to kind words asking about my sleep or a pair of strong arms wrapping around me in bed... that's not here today. It wasn't here yesterday either, nor the past week.

Cyno has been chosen to complete a very important quest in the desert.
It is important because it's a very long and hard (Hehe, long and hard... sorry) so not anyone can do it.

On one hand, I'm glad he got chosen to complete it, which means the people of sumeru trust him, but on the other, it's kind of dangerous... I don't mean that I don't have any faith in his abilities. It's more like I worry too much about him.

I just hope he is doing okay...

I walk to the kitchen to prepare breakfast when I find collei setting dishes down on the table.


"Good morning collei, how was the night? And why are you up so early?"

"Mmm, you seemed quite down lately, so I think you should take a few days off. I'll take care of your work and patrols. Here, I prepared breakfast, too."

"N-no collei, I'm good, really. I can work it's all fine."

"How can you say that when you collapsed twice yesterday and you had a fever? Y'know... what would cyno feel if he came back from his hard and tiring adventure and saw you in this state, hm?"

"I'm not sick, collei... it's... something else. You will get it one day, but I'm not sick. Trust me. I'm good. I just need to take my medicins more properly."
I said while a light red covered my cheeks.

"Fine, if you're so eager to work when I'm offering to give you a day off for free...
You can do my paperwork and I'll do the patrols. I've seen you do them many times, so I think I could pull it off, Deal?"

"Hmph... fine, just be careful. And call me if anything happens. I swear I'm fine, I'll come pick you up wherever you are. Collei, I trust you, so please be careful. One life in danger is already more than too much for me to handle."

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm big and responsible now. HAVE A NICE DAY AT HOME~ BYE~"
She said as she stormed out of the house.

I let out a heavy sigh... she is right, iv been feeling more depressed lately.

I really need cyno... it's February now, so it's mating season, but I don't want collei to see me in this state...

For it to calm down, I usually take suppressants, but once one was pleasured by another during their cycle, the pills won't have much effect anymore since the body found pleasure in one more than the other.

I just hope they will help before cyno comes back... that's if he comes back in the first place...

No! Tighnari don't think like that. He is fine. When he is in the desert, he is in his elements. He grew up there too, so you shouldn't worry about him so much.

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