♤ mom problems ♤

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• characters: kazuha - scaramouch
• side character: mentions of yae miko, ei, beidou and ninnguang
• type: smut
• requested: nope
• word count: 5096 words
• AU: family / high-school / modern au


Over text:

Hey kazu, can I drop
off @ ur place 4
the night ??

What? why? It's so late.
Why are you even awake
At this time?

Boi its fkn weeknd.
Plus u cant tell me
wt to do. U sound
like my mom, its scary...

Fine, but not more
than tonight. Okay?
It's hard living with
a person like you.

HEY. I took tht personally.
U hurt my feelings.
Anw your unlikable too.
Picky bastard 😒.

Learn how to type right.
It gets annoying at times.

and dont lecture me 😡.


If u consider typng
less formally and using
sum emojies u will
prbbly pull at least a
few bitches. Dickhead.

Ah, whatever. Just come
to my place, I'll be waiting.
Did you eat or do I prepare

No im gd.
Js dont fall asleep while
waiting 4 me ok?

Oh, and bring an umbrella
with you, it's raining outside
if you didn't notice.


Kazuha's pov:

Wow, he left me on read...

Me and scara have been friends since we were 10. Now it's our last year in high-school, we are both 19.

I moved from my moms's house, beidou and ninnguang, to this little apartment for my studies and my art major for the future.

Scara still lives with his 2 mothers, yae miko and ei. Him and auntie ei don't get along, so sometimes he crashes at my place until they make up.

No matter how many times we put each other in an awkward position, we always manage to maintain this healthy friend with benefits relationship, and honestly, it makes sense.

I'm a huge introvert at times, I always sit alone, and I don't find comfort in crowded places. People call me awkward too so I and everyone think it's for the best to keep some space between us. I don't mind it anyway, some space for myself is quite nice.

As for scara... well, he can be a handful, to say the least. I wouldn't say he gets along with the others, and I blame his bad temper for that. Even tho his physic is some good eye candy, his personality is the whole opposite, to the point where it gets unbearable.

But he has some soft spots for a few things, which i have discovered over the years.

Both rejected by society, we started hanging out with each other.
He can be fun at times, not gonna lie.

He always said he hated or despised me, but he made it very obvious that he didn't mean it.

I snap back to reality when my doorbell rang. He must have arrived by now.

I sprint to the front door and open it to see a drenched scaramouch with occasional bruises here and there on his face and arms, but the twist to all this, he is smiling... why on earth is he smiling at me like that?

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