≡ artist ≡

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• characters: albedo - kaeya
• side character: diluc - mention Lisa
• type: smut
• requested: yes (ty TheHydrophobicCrab for the request!!!)
• word count: 3150 words
• AU: High School au


Kaeya's pov:

I twist my ankles in nervousness as i grip my bag's belt tight and feel my heart almost jump out of my chest.

I take a deep breath before opening the door to the room of my after-school activity... or so, I thought.

As the door opens before me, I spot a short, blonde haired and quite offly pretty lad, painting in the middle of the room on a big canvas while listening to music blasting from his headphones

That's for sure, not the music club's room. I guess I'm lost again...

Once he notices I'm here, he puts down his brush and headphones, then walks over to me.

"Hello? May I help you with anything?"

"Hey, uh... my name is kaeya... I'm new here and Ms. Lisa said I should pick a club to be in... do you know where I can find the music club's room by any chance?"

"Oh! Didn't she give you a map? Oh well, in both cases, every Wednesday, like today, the clubs don't meet up. So I guess you gotta wait till tomorrow."

"O-oh man... how unfortunate... I told my father to come pick me up a little later than usual..."

"You can stay here with me if you want to. I'm not leaving before 5 pm, so you could keep me company until your dad arrives."

"Yes, please... thank you."

He invites me in, then closes the door behind me as I take a look around the room and place my guitar down...

Many different beautiful paintings are hung on the walls, the majority of them being under the name of a certain... "Albedo...?"

"Yes." He shouted proudly. "The man himself stands before you as you live and breathe."

"Oh my, what a pleasure... so you drew all those... how interesting."

"Yes, and you'll get the blessing of witnessing the making of my next art piece!"

I pause for a second, letting the moment sink in...

"I-im more than excited to see how it will turn out!!"

He only giggles in response while offering me a seat, and then he goes back to his painting.

He grabs his phone as a loud and monotone voice speaks.

"The Blu*tooth device has been connected successfully."
(Sorry, TwT, it's js too funny for me not to add...)

I flinch as he looks back at me.

"What do you like listening to?"


I never knew looking at someone creating art would be so entertaining...

Calm music played as I focused on every brushstroke he made. The many watercolors blended and mixed together on the canvas that once was white as snow.

It's crazy how such simple drawing can have such deep meanings and hidden messages...

"Do you do anything else?"
Words slipped out of my mouth.

"Pardon me?"

"O-oh, I meant like... your hands are so agile, so I was wondering... you might also do something else besides drawing and painting, right?"

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now