☁︎ distraction ☁︎

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• characters: Pantalone - Dottore
• side character: none
• type: smut
• requested: yes (thank you @ily_7771212 for the request)
• word count: 2210
• AU: normal


Pantalone's pov:

I come back, frustrated after a hard day of work to see my partner pull yet another all-nighter for one of his lab projects.

Can't I have a little bit of attention?

I walk into his office, slamming the door behind me.

He flinches and drops a book he was so focused reading. His head jerks around to face me with a frown on his face.

"It's not like you to have your guards down."

"I am so close to fucking finishing this experiment so I needed to give it my all."
He says as he places the book back on his desk.

"Take a break already, it's been over a week and I'm starting to feel fucking lonely."
I approach him, brushing my fingers against his shoulder and up his neck.

Dottore's pov:

My partner is of immense force, when he gets angry, he can get crazier than me and it's scary.

His fingers brush around my neck, mostly my nape and jugular.

I break a cold sweat, paralyzed by the look in his eyes... what the fuck.

He brought my face to his, lips pressing gently against mine and urging me forward.

I'll just go with the flow... I prefer doing whatever he wants for a little than getting chocked by his sadistic self.

"Oh I've missed you so much my dear~"
He whispers in my ear, sending shivers down my spine.

He leans towards me slightly, forcing me back against my desk as I grip at his wrist, his shirt, anything.

He pushes me down wherever I'll go and he lays me flat on my back.

The table squeaks quietly under me as my body is shifted onto it, but I pay it no mind.
I can't really think right now...

He leans forward, hands reaching out to trap me on the desk and he grabs one of my aphrodisiac containers then forced me to have a good whiff of it.

A wave of dizziness washes over me as I see stars for a little, then my gaze focuses on his face again... this shit is kicking in fast.

I shiver, feeling all hot and bothered, squirming under his touch.

He pulls my legs up, my bottom pressing into his hips as he pushes them onto the desk with the rest of me.

He takes a deep breath, stepping back and pulling at his tie to loosen it.

I try to lean up but his hand pushes me back down and my elbows fall short of resisting him.
"You are not going anywhere until I'm satisfied."

His long, slender, nimble fingers move to unbuckle an otherwise unseen belt and tear the zipper of blue denim jeans downward.

His hands then come back to me, finally focusing on my body and removing my pants and boxers. They slide off of my bare body with ease, and I lift my legs to accommodate his movements.

He sets them to the side neatly, fingers coaxing themselves inward to explore the area between my legs.

Two gentle fingers press against my hole and enter abruptly... what a way to start things.

His eyes flicker to my body, laid flush against the desk and growing redder under his gaze.

He thrusts them as far as they'll go and I clench tighter, my back arching sharply and relaxing softly.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now