♡ healing touch ♡

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• characters: alhaitham - kaveh
• side character: none
• type: smut
• requested: no
• word count: 3664 words
• AU: normal day in genshin life at kaveh and alhaitham's house, but kaveh recently got his vision.

Kaveh's pov:

I'm in a good mood despite all the work and the sleepless nights iv been enduring. I might have also hit a new record of mine...

But kaveh, how in a good mood while all this? You may ask. Well, I got my vision not long ago, and now I'm way more powerful than I already was.

I bought a big fancy claymore from Wanger, I even got a discount on it !!!
There's no need to use my suite case to fight anymore... although it was very useful. I'm working on some changes to do so it could be useful with that big cool sword of mine.

But ever since I got the vision, iv been feeling quite weird... a little ill? Itchy? My body felt hot at times, like someone was caressing me all over with the fire of a lighter. If that's what it takes to have a vision, then I can bear it. It's fine.

"kaveh, I'm home."
A familiar voice spoke.
Alhaitham is home !!! I'm usually not that exited, but I kind of miss him...

Even though we live together we don't really see each other very often...
We are always busy with work papers and shit that come times when we spend weeks not looking at each other.

Pfft- it's not like I care, you know?
(X for doubt)

He is annoying anyways, it gives me a break.
But still... I wouldn't mind a little bit of company every now and then. I really should get a pet.

He closed the door behind him and handed me the keys to the house.

"I like the new Keychain."

"Glad to hear it !!"
I chuckle out

Few are the times when Haitham shared his thoughts with me. It's quite nice to have a person who doesn't say what they think bcz there is less chance of them hurting you, sill, it's also important for them to open up a little from time to time...

We haven't had a fight in a long time.
That's another thing to add to the 'why I'm in a good mood' list.

I walk up to him and hug him lightly as a welcome back, then pull away a few moments later

"You look quite happy today. Is there anything exciting?"

"Mmm, probably my new vision? I dont really know... Am I not allowed to be happy?"

"That is not what I meant. Seeing you smile from time to time is reliving too."

Did he just... compliment me ?
Does this even count as one???

I shrug it off and walk back twards my room. Few are the times we got into physical contact... I lowkey like it.

"You bitch, my good mood won't last long if you keep distracting me from my work !!"
I said jokingly.

He responded with a chuckle and walked to his room to finish work.


It's now 2 a.m., and I'm not able to focus properly on work. My body is acting up again, how annoying.
I tried ignoring it, but it just got more intense. It's lowkey starting to hurt as well.

"Come on, kaveh, just bear it, it's fine."
I mumbled to myself while shuffling through some papers.

Damn it. My vision is going blurr. I can't see anything on the papers.
My head is hurting so much as well.
What is this? Is it normal? I never heard that getting vision would have this kind of aftermath or sum... kinda regretting it now.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now