❦ sonnets ❦

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• characters: xiao - venti
• side character: none
• type: smut - angst (?)
• requested: no
• word count: 6403
• AU: school


~12 February~
Xiao's pov:

My hand slams down on my noisy alarm, showing 7:00 am; it's time for school.

I lay in bed for a few moments...
I'm sick of it. I'm sick of the people in school, I'm sick of the school itself, I'm sick of those boring days repeating themselves, I'm sick of being alone, im sick of everything, except cats... my cat, especially not the ones that walk away when you pspsps them.

I lazily kick the covers off my body and limply drag myself up, sitting on the edge of my bed.

I sink my face in the palms of my hands and peek through my fingers, looking at my tired self in the mirror's reflection.

I take a breath and amble towards it.
I poke my dark eyebags, made from my lack of sleep, then sigh it away while slipping on my clothes.

I feel my cat rub against my leg while I brush my hair. I pick him up and hug him tight, listening to his purring resonate in the room.

He sits on my lap as I finish the rest of my makeup and jumps off when I nudge him while tapping on my phone, this other one showing 7:50am.

"Fuck, I'm late!!!"

I rapidly bend down and pet my cat one last time before running to the corridor where I put my shoes on, laces still untied. I swing my backpack above my shoulder and run to my front door.

It slams open, but I don't get out.
I take a few steps back and brush my fingers against a picture frame placed on a shelf.

"Goodbye, mom and dad, I'm going to school now. I'll be back soon."


I race up the stairs of my school to reach my classroom and open its door slowly and quietly, trying not to get everyone's attention.

When I walk in, all the eyes dart at me and force me to look down.

I can feel the air entering and leaving my lungs, the blood pumping under my skin, my dry throat and nostrils, my hands and legs shaking because of the cold weather I never noticed outside that day.

The teacher stops talking and turns towards me. "So? What's your excuse?"

"I... overslept...?"

"Well, I can tell you need sleep. I can basically see your black undereyes from over here. Go to your seat and pay attention to my course."

I stand, flabbergasted, somewhat offended as i hear a few people whisper to each other. I dont know whether they are agreeing with the teacher or gasping over the fact that a fully grown adult, humiliated an obviously tired child in front of a whole class.
In both ways, I couldn't care less...

I exhale sharply and walk to my seat as I feel the gazes piercing me lessen, then drop away once I reach my destination in the very back of the class, right beside the window.

I hang my backpack on my seat and sit, burying my head in the soft cloth of my hoodie's sleeves, feeling my head spin and the sound of the classroom growing farther as it gets replaced by loud ringing.

I forgot to eat breakfast... if I did remember to take the small, cold toast I left on my kitchen table... augh whatever, I know I'd end up having an upset stomach anyway... why even bother thinking about eating breakfast... what a day...

I think I caught my name being said by someone, but I give it no attention and focus on calming myself down.

The ringing and noises stopped when I felt a light tap on my arm, then someone calling my name once more.

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