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(Read the chapter "Stuck" for more context.)

• characters: kazuha - heizou- scaramouch
• side character: none
• type: smut - fluff (?)
• requested: yes (thank you kazukierr for the request)
• word count: 4639
• AU: modern (this story takes place a few months after the incident that happened at the American football match.)

Scaramouch's pov:

I walk back to my dormitory after classes, thinking about what my boyfriends, kazuha or heizou, might have prepared for dinner. my stomach has been growling all day long.

I don't know how I got here after only a few months, but I'm happy.

After what happened in the lockers room that day, heizou has been finding even more fun in teasing me and ended up confessing to me after a few days, saying he always had grown a special liking to me.

On Kazuha's part, turns out he started liking me after heizou started telling him about me. We still don't really show it nor get along quite well since he is a quiet person and I'm awkward as shit, but the signs are there all right...

It's mainly heizou that leads the relationship since I haven't been in any before and this white haired dude follows him like a dog.

As I get closer to the door of my shared dormitory room, an unfamiliar silence resonates... usually it sounds all lively in there. Why is it suddently awfully quiet?!

I push the key into the lock and twist the doorknob, opening it slowly. Light doesn't shimmer past to the outside...

"I'm back?"
I hesitantly say, a little higher than a whisper as I drag my gaze over in the dimly lit room to the small lamp casting a warm glow across kazuha's bed they are both sprawled on.

Both their heads immediately jerk back at me and I narrow my eyes, trying to make out their features.

After a split second, my vision gets used to the dark and what on the archon's green earth did I just walk in on.

An awkward silence sets in and I slowly close and lock the door behind me, turning the lights on in hopes my eyes were deceiving me. Sadly, they weren't.

Kazuha's hovering over heizou, both topless as his boxers are down to his thighs and Heizou's pants are unbuckled.

"You fucking animals..."
I sigh as I walk further inside the room to throw my backpack onto my bed.

I place my hand on the side of the bed above mine, which is heizou's bed, and massage my temples with my free hand as the situation starts to sink in.

They both stay silent and I finally turn around to face them again. I cross my arms and frown.

"You both already did it twice last night while I was supposed to be asleep. Take a break you people."

Heizou chuckles and gets up from under kazuha, then walks towards me, sending me a few steps back.

He grabs my hand, pulling me close so that we are chest to chest, and kisses me.

Heizou's pov:

He tries to struggle his way out of my grip but fails instantly.

"Do you wanna join?"
I whisper against his lips.

"No! Of course I don't wanna. What even is that question?!"
He screams, his face bearing an intense red glow as he probably imagined what it would be like.

I slide my knee between his legs and rub against his groin as he tries his best not to make any weird noise.

"But babe, we have been together for three months now, and you still didnt do anything with us two other than kiss... do you not love us?"
I tease as he guiltily glances over at kazuha, still sitting on the bed, then back at me.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now