♥︎ my blood? ♥︎

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• characters: Thoma - Ayato
• side character: none
• type: smut
• requested: no
• word count: 3215 words
• AU: In an alternate universe, there are 2 types of beings, vampires and humans. Vampires go out of control every full moon. To calm their senses, they need fresh and healthy blood and a way to release pent-up energy. One of the best ways found was sex. Normally, vampires drink animal blood. If they drink human blood, it will form a bond between the 2 creatures, and if the vampire tries to drink any other's blood, they will bring death upon themselves and their master. If one dies in any way, the other does as well.


Thoma's pov:

It's so cold out here... all alone...


Why me? Why can't I have any person's warmth and love, any person to hold me tight. Reassure me that everything is fine, take care of me...

What did I ever do to anyone to deserve this...

A cold drop of rain merged with the salty tears running down my cheeks.

Fuck, it started raining. At this rate, I'm gonna catch a cold. I don't have anything to cover myself with...

I look up gazing at the night sky.
Counting the stars helps me fall asleep and get through this hell of a night...
Wait a minute... it's a full moon?

I'm so hungry. My stomach is hurting like crazy and im very thirsty. I don't have enough energy to hunt any kind of little animal. Either way, it won't satisfy my needs at the moment.

I started hyperventilating, my chest felt so tight, and my head felt so light. Im shaking so much. I feel like I'm gonna pass out... I need blood

The wind started picking up... so cold...
I slither a little deeper into the alley I was laying in and curled up in a ball, hoping it would bring me at least a little heat.

I started seeing blurry, and my eyes started shutting slowly... am I gonna die? Alone in this dark, cruel place? Please, archons no... my mind went blank, and the only thing that I could do was listen to the rain...


... until I was snapped back to reality by the sound of a car stopping nearby and what seemed like someone getting out of it, walking toward me.

The person is getting closer... please don't hurt me... I just managed to run away from the lab I was tortured in, used as an experiment... I was just a mere subject.

I want to run away. I can't even get my eyes to open properly.
The lump in my throat was so big that I couldn't swallow it to scream out for help.

I'm just left here, defenseless, crying like a baby in front of God knows who. How pathetic...

"Dear me... what are you doing out in this freezing weather?" A soft voice spoke.

"My my, look at you shaking... what a shame, such a beautiful being left out here to rott... do you need help?"

What is this feeling?... Why are they talking to me with this tone... I never heard this before...

I would rather die in the company of somebody than alone.

I could not move my body... I only responded with a whine.

"I will take this as a yes then."

I felt 2 strong, warm arms wrap around my cold, shaky body, then pick me up

"Oh boy, you're heavier than you look... good archons, you're shaking so much. calm down a bit, your fine now"

Ayato's pov:

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now