□ hyperventilation □

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• characters: Chong yun - xingqiu
• side character: none
• type: smut
(⚠️chongyun and xingqiu are both going to turn 18 this year, according to google, so there is going to be some nsfw but no sex. If that's not to your liking, you are free to stop reading this book. Respectfully. Thank you.)
• requested: no
• word count: 2723 words
• AU: modern


Chongyun's pov:

It's mid-July right now, so it's overly hot outside and honesty, I don't know if I hate or love this weather.

Its advantage is that I can eat this nice ice cream I love so much, but after enjoying its refreshment, the heat takes a hold of my body once more, making it unbearable.

The TV echoed from the living room to my room. I was sitting right in front of a fan with my bangs clipped back.

My body is really sensitive to sudden change of weather and honestly I prefer cold weather more than a hot one.

My body was getting used to the temperature of the fan. I could feel drops of sweat trickles down my forehead and chest despite me being shirtless, just wearing some black shorts that reach a little higher than my knee.

I get up and walk towards the kitchen, and then something caught my attention. Something jucy, something tasty, something I would love to take a bite out of.

"Watchu lookin' at luv?"

I snapped back to reality and realized iv been staring at xingqiu's fine back, his ass included.

As for him, he was wearing booty shorts and a very short crop top.

A light red tinted my cheeks as I scratched the back of my neck.

"H-how am I supposed not to stare when you're wearing almost no clothes at all..."

I turn my flushed face away, then click my tongue. He only chuckled and went back to going through the TV channels.

"*** ****** *** --and so, more heat waves are going to be arriving at liyue reaching almost 40°+.
We recommend staying in the house or any kind of indoor place with AC or anything to cool down with to prevent any kind of hypothermia or, worst case of heatstroke. It was reporter ****** ***"

I overhear the TV as xingqiu let out a sigh of disappointment.

I open the drawer of the fridge, and -

Xingqiu comes running to me, all worried.
"Babe! What's wrong? Why are you screaming?"

"B-b-b-b-babe there are n-no more p-p-p-p-p-popsicles..."

I say as I crouch down on the floor and grip my hair in disbelief.

"I'm going to die from having a heatstroke..."
I mumbled out as I looked down, feeling my mind shatter.

"Nonono babe, you won't die of a heatstroke. Don't worry."- He strokes my head.- "I ate the last one, but I didn't finish it yet. Come."
He said as he grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the couch he was previously sat on.

Xingqiu's pov:

I felt bad for taking the last popsicle...
I got my part of it, so it's his turn. After all, they are his favorite...

I make him sit on the couch and grab the half eaten popsicle, and tap it against his mouth.

He opened it and let me place it on his tongue.

He closes his mouth and starts licking and slurping as I admire up close.

His tongue movements are smooth and repetitive...
It gave me butterflies.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now