✄ barber ✄

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• characters: Gaming - Freminet
• side character: mentions of Arlecchino
• type: smut - angst
• requested: no
• word count: 5887
• AU: normal high-school

Freminet's pov:

I am moving next week because of my adoptive parent, Arlecchino, having to teeter around the damn world for the fatui syndicate and their missions.

Because of that, my social skills have been growing weaker, and I haven't made any proper friends in years now.

I've been getting accustomed to this habit of pushing people away because I know that I will leave a day or another and it will only hurt to let go so it's maybe better off that way, but unfortunately, I might have grown a liking to a boy in the new school I last transferred in...

Right now, we are both alone in class, cleaning it before leaving.
We sit on a desks to take a small break.

He brought up the notion that the both of us liked the same thing- a few of the same things, as a matter of fact; Video gaming, music, and that weird hobby thing that people do when they take immense interest in the stars sometimes.

"Stars are beautiful. Even tho I like the look of them from underwater for some reason..." I state as I look out the window to the pond of koi right outside the school's gate.

"Hehe, I'd rather stay dry, thank you..."
He replied.

A silence filled the air for a moment, and then he talked again.

He mentioned that he likes to watch the rebirth of stars, then proceeded to make a joke about stars fucking and us two watching if we ever star-gazed together and how that would somehow be star porn, and for some reason i laughed... I've never really laughed at anything in public, but I did this time.

Gaming's pov:

Stars don't fuck... Why did I say that?
But I made him laugh with that awkward comment. Now I have to keep him interested.

It was fair game, back and forth, over and over, until it wasn't really a game anymore.

"Do you want to sleep over at my house?"
I ask.

"It's getting late now... my father is probably waiting for me at home with my siblings to have dinner with them... I don't know."

"We can do this whenever you want, I don't care... Are you free this Saturday? No Sunday?"

"Sunday I guess... I'll try negotiating with my father about this. I'll try my best."

We became closer than me or him might've expected really fast and things began to escape my mouths as a joke, but were they really a joke?

~ at home - Sunday ~

Freminet's pov:

We played a few games together online because I couldn't go out with him today as planned because of my strict father but I had fun... The most fun I've had in a while... it's getting dangerous.

"Yo, shawty." He joked.

"Hey..." i replied shyly, not knowning what to say to that.

But then, he got serious. His tone changed and a crushing silence filled the air again.

"What are you doing this Friday?"
He quietly asked...

"I... have somewhere to be... sorry."
I replied in a low tone... I don't know why I feel scared and unease but it's not like him to talk this seriously.

"Whatever, man. Just let me know, or come over anyways. Whatever."
He went silent and I could tell he was annoyed a little... I'll not pester him more.

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