Ꮚ professional love Ꮚ

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• characters: dehya x nilou
• side character: none
• type: smut
• requested: yes (thank you su_kj77 for the request!!!)
• word count: 3828
• AU: Idol x body guard


I am outside the dressing room, guarding it for Miss Nilou until she finishes getting undressed from her performance clothes. She did amazing tonight, like always.

I look down at my watch, then at her schedule. As much I wanted her to take her well deserved time, I need to drive her to the next and last appointment of the day.

I knock before slightly opening the door so that she could hear my voice clearly.
"Excuse me, we need to leave in a few minutes, Miss Nilou."

I hear sudden and loud rattling coming from inside the room, like something hitting the ground... or more like someone stumbling into something and falling.

Miss Nilou is a very famous dancer and a lot of dangerous things might happen to her and that was why I was hired as her bodyguard.

I instinctively push the door open and hold out my gun. Who knows how someone can slither into the dressing rooms of famous people...

But when i lower my gun from my face, I am met with a half naked Nilou on the ground, struggling to buckle up her bra.

She gasps in surprise when she sees me, her hands coming up and grabbing the fabric to hide her exposed chest.

A second of silence passes by as the moment sinks in, both of out faces slowly turning redder.

I relax my body and stuff my gun back into my pocket, then adjust my sunglasses further back onto my nose while clearing me throat.

"I'm sorry Miss, I heard loud noises and thought someone broke into the room."
I say, trying to steady my voice and swiftly looking away.

"N-no its okay! I just got a little startled when you opened the door and tripped over a cloth hanger that was laying around on the groud..."
She replied with a wobbly and awkward voice as an obvious bright red tints her cheeks.

I nod my head and turn around, closing the door behind me. Once shut, I lean onto it and run my hand over my face, chuckling to myself.

After a few moments, the door creaks open slowly and she walks out of the dressing room, her cheeks still bearing a pink glow. She also doesn't make eye contact, most probably out of embarrassment.

"Where are we going now?"
She says, a little higher than a whisper as she keeps staring down at her shoes and grabbing the straps of her bag tighter.

Haha, what was that just now?
She's over there acting like a high-schooler talking to her crush and I am here, still trying to hide my amusement after getting her all flustered and seeing her half naked... I feel like im just some immature kid again. I can't be feeling that way though. I have to do my job right.

I put a comforting hand on her shoulder.
"Your next and last destination for the day is the club right around the block to meet Mister X and negotiate about that offer he made last week."

She nods her head and I lead the way as she follows, walking out to the car and opening the passenger seat's door for her to get in.

I give her a reassuring smile before closing her door, walk around the car to get into the driver's seat then put my own seat belt on and turn on the engine.

I pull my phone out to re-check the time of the meeting, then turn it off and stuff it in my other pocket.

"You must be famished, do you want me to get you some snacks on the way?"
I ask, wanting to make up for any awkwardness. I feel lowkey bad for earlier.

Some Genshin Impact Gay Smut 😌 ✨️ Where stories live. Discover now