Chapter 31 - Going for Greatness

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"Don't fall for it. Don't fall for it.", I whisper as I watch the fighter jets on the big screen in the auditorium. Their airspeed and their altitude are visible as well.

It is obvious to me what Hyde is planning and I prepared them for this. I just hope that they remember their training and what I have taught them. Especially what I have told them about a situation like this. To remain focused in a stressful situation is important in our job and I believe that they both can deal with Hyde. I believe in them.

"So far they are doing great.", Dave says next to me and has his textbook open with some scrambled words on it. He casually sits next to me, and his left arm is on the back of my seat.
"I wouldn't have thought that they would such a progress in such a short time.", he continues impressed as they evade Hyde's attack. I exhale loudly and can hear Dave chuckle next to me.

"If I wouldn't know better, I would think that you and Hyde have a bet going on about the outcome of this dogfight.", he whispers to me and leans over. I can feel his warm breath against my skin and it makes me shudder.

"Oh, we have.", I tell him and lean forward to watch their next moves. Although I wish I could see the spectacle up close, this is unfortunately not possible. It would be a risk to everyone. So, I am stuck here in the auditorium with a lot of other officers.

While Jo and Soup are able to keep their speed and momentum, Hyde's plane loses on altitude and speed which just turned the game. Hyde probably put too much force into his attack.

"You know that he is a sore loser, right? And he probably won't keep up his end of the bet.", I can hear him say, but I am too focused to watch what they are planning next as they are now the hunters and Hyde the pray.

I watch in excitement and with proud how they start their attack on Hyde. The close in on him from above. As predicated, he turns his plane into a barrel role and moves his plane closer to the soft deck of their MOA.

"Why does this seem so familiar?", Dave thinks out loud and I need to hide my grin and just shrug my shoulders.

With each of their attack they bring him closer to the hard deck and when he tries to perform a split-s to get out of the situation he suddenly finds himself in, he crosses the hard deck, because he doesn't have enough altitude to perform that maneuver with his aircraft.

"And that's a confirmed kill. Congratulations Jo and Soup, you just took out one of your instructors.", I can hear Alex say over the speakers.

"Holy shit, they did it.", I shout through the room and jump of from my seat, because I am too excited and too proud of my two students. Every single head in the room turns to me and some of my fellow officers start to laugh while others just shake their head.

"You let them use our own strategy against him.", Dave says slightly impressed and I start to smile. All the hard work paid off. I couldn't be much prouder of them. Is this what it feels like to see someone graduate from their program? Is this how I would feel if I were to become an instructor down in Nellis? I think I could live with that.

"Thank God it worked, or else I would have to fly against Hyde again.", I say and notice Dave shaking his head while he is getting up from his seat to stand next to me.

"Ah that's the reason why the two of you have a blocked slot in the afternoon.", Dave concludes, and I nod my hear.

"Yep, but now I can use that time differently.", I tell him and bump his shoulder with mine. Everyone around us starts to get up and to leave the room.

"Girl, look what you made them do!", Ashley says excited as she stops next to me and pulls me into a hug which makes passing officers raise their eyebrow.

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