Chapter 25 - Fire on Up

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"Whatever you are cooking, count me in.", I tell Dave as I close the front door behind me. Quickly I get out of my boots and walk over to him. He stops stirring something in a pot and turns around with a big smile on his lips. As soon as I am close enough, he wraps his arms around me and pulls me against his chiseled body.

"How did it go?", he asks me after a long kiss.

"Good, I think." Unsure if I said and did the right things, I sigh and lean my head against his shoulder. Slowly he starts to move his hands from around my waist up and down my sides.

"Well, I heard that you did amazing." When I turn my head to look at him all I can see is the pride in his eyes. I am not even surprised that he already knows about it.

Olivia must have told him about it. He can be as protective as Wifi, maybe even more so. Him checking my harness this morning has shown me that. On one hand his worry about my safety is exaggerated. On the other hand, I understand it as he knows my story and what I have been through. I guess, he just wanted to make sure with everything that is in this power, that I would be safe in my plane.

I know that I am falling for him. I am falling hard and fast. Surprisingly I don't even mind it. When I met him and instantly found him attractive, I was afraid to let him get close to me. The scars of losing someone I love are healing but still bright red and could rip open any second.

"If you know what happened anyway, why even ask?" Playfully I slap his peck and he instantly puts his hand above mine.

"Olivia only told me, that you were able to capture their attention in a quite unusual manner and that she saw that in some of their heads the gears started to turn while you were talking to them. To me this sounds like you inspired them."

"I wouldn't go as far as to say inspire, but I think, I might have given these young people a few new perspectives to look at.", I tell him and turn my head to see what is in the oven, not only because whatever is in there smells divine, but also because I am not one to brag.

"What did you do?" Dave moves his hand underneath my chin and turns my head back to him.

"Are you jealous of your oven?" I roll my eyes at this attention seeking gesture and he chuckles.

"No, but when I have a conversation with someone, I like to look them into their eyes. Especially when that person has beautiful green ones like you.", he says and moves this thumb over my lower lip.

"Fair enough. I made a student do pushups with me." Dave draws his eyebrows together.

"That poor guy. He didn't know what was coming." Sympathy is in his voice, and I shake my head. Maybe he is still a little bit hung up on the whole thing with the bet in the gym and me bursting out on him.

"Yeah... After that, they all listened for the remaining time we had and asked sometimes pretty tough questions."

"Such as?"

"If I would be willing to accompany one to the next dance.", I tell him amused.

It wasn't a tough one and I immediately declined. First of all, he was underage. Second by the time of the dance, I would already be either back at Langley or wherever the Air Force relocates me to. Third, I am not the fancy dress and high heels type of woman. I am already afraid of what I have to wear this Saturday.

"Wow. There is already someone out there who wants to steal my girlfriend.", he laughs, and I look at him slightly shocked. Last night I told Claire and Wifi that we are together, but the term boyfriend never really came up.
"Is everything okay?"

"Yeah, I was just caught off guard about you calling me your girlfriend."

"Don't you want me to?", he wants to know, and I feel him undoing my bun in the back of my head. I have already figured out that he doesn't like it. He likes it when I leave my hair open, and he can toy with it. And while we have sex, he likes to pull at it, when I don't 'behave'.

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