Chapter 6 - Arlington

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I think my biggest accomplishment today was surviving dinner. The food was delicious. I can't even remember when I had the last homecooked roast. However, I was seated next to Dave. Not that I exchanged a single word with him. I deliberately ignored him and talked with everyone else on that table. No-one ever mentioned the Navy or the Air Force. Everyone was talking about something else. I must admit it felt good.

„Here, you look cold. ", Dave says, and I look up from the small pit fire in front of me. He holds out a thick looking cardigan for me.

"Thank you.", I say as I quickly get up to slip into it. Immediately goosebumps spread all over my body. I am not sure if it because of his touch or because I am cold. Maybe both. I wrap the soft fabric around my body, before sitting down. Dave just makes a dismissive hand gesture.

"Actually, it was Wifi's idea." He sits down next to me and puts a blanket over his own shoulders.

"Wow... just wow... The old man just can't stop being overprotective, can he?", I say and shake my head. I can see all the different questions going through his mind.
"Don't think too hard about it and just forget it otherwise you'll get wrinkles on your forehead."

"If you say so." He leans forward, rests both of his forearms on his upper legs and stares into the flames in front of us.

"I didn't think that it would get that cold out here.", I tell him as I lean back against the comfortable cushions of the couch and look up to the stars. The view is almost as breathtaking as the sun in the morning.

"Yeah, I know. But shouldn't you be used to it. Wasn't it similar in Kuwait?"

"I couldn't tell you. I always wore my uniform and my life consisted of working twelve to thirteen hours a day and when I was done, I got into bed and slept. I was exhausted."

"Just like yesterday? I thought all the sugar would keep you awake, but apparently it has quite the different effect on you than is has one me. Or maybe I am just boring company", he says amused and look at him.

After leaving the restaurant, we didn't really talk. I guess we just enjoyed each other's silence for a bit. I might have fallen asleep as soon as he was driving us back to base. I think I made it until we left Reno, but I am not really sure about it. He woke me up after we reached Fallon, and I don't really remember how I got into my rental car and drove back to the barracks.

"Are you fishing for a compliment, Dave?"

"No, not at all. I know my strengths and weaknesses. Therefore, I know, that I can be boring. I am not a loud and overactive guy like Jake.", he says and looks towards the patio where Hyde is currently telling a story gesturing with his arms and legs. It looks funny.

"How did Hyde even got invited?"

"He invited himself, I guess. He overheard Wifi and me talking about it today and then he chipped in and now he is here. It's one of his many talents." He shakes his head in disbelief.

"I see... Actually, I like talking to you like this. It's easy. It's carefree. You basically don't give a fuck about what I say."

"I haven't heard that one before."

"What exactly? That it's easy to talk to you?"

"Don't be stupid, Taylor. I do give a fuck. I always do. Whatever you have told me so far, I listened to it and tried to understand you." He looks at me with such intend that I have to avert my gaze. I don't know why, but this man, who I only met two days ago, is growing on me. And I don't want that.

"Your mum is amazing.", I quickly change the topic, because this is getting too personal too fast.

"Yes, she is. She supports me every step of the way and doesn't give a dime about what other's think of her. I am not particularly happy about the fact that she is marrying my boss's boss, but what can I do." He can tell that I am confused, so he continues to explain.

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