Chapter 10 - Human

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"Is everything okay with you two?", Claire asks, and I turn my head in the direction her voice is coming from. I can still feel Dave's hands on my shoulders, and he makes no effort to remove them. His mother glances from him to me and then back. What surprises me is the fact, that she has this look on her face as if she knows something, but she doesn't comment on it.

"Taylor and I were just discussing that she misses homecooked meals so much, as she can rarely indulge in them.", Dave tells his mum. He removes one of his hands and moves the other arm around my shoulders and turns both of us to her.

"How so? Don't you like to cook?", she asks me but looks at Dave's hand on my shoulder. I feel uncomfortable, but not by his touch but by his mother's glance.

"Unfortunately, I can't cook. I tried but I even burned noodles. I am a hopeless case.", I answer her honestly and I can feel his hand moving from my shoulder down my arm to my waist. What is he doing? I feel my heart race picking up and a jolt going through my body.

"Then what do you eat for dinner wherever you are stationed at?", Claire inquires and doesn't give me any time to think about what her son is doing to me and what it triggers in me.

"Langley and I eat take-out most of the time." I can feel his thumb moving right above the waistband of my shorts. Jesus fucking Christ this send every fiber of my body in overdrive. My heart rate picks up even more, and goosebumps spread over my body.

"We can't have that. You will be here for dinner every single night from now on. Except when the two of you have other plans." What other plans could be possible have? Yeah, I would say we are friends and yes, I find him really attractive, but I won't start anything with him, or at least that is what I am trying to tell myself. It wouldn't end well. He is in the Navy, and I am in the Air Force. There is literally no way this would function.

"Claire, I can't do that.", I tell her and try to focus on our conversation and not what Dave is doing to me.

"I insist. I don't want any back talk on that matter either. It's a done deal. If anyone says something about it, send them my way and I will deal with them.", she says and looks at me like my mother used to, when I should not contradict her.

"Yes, Ma'am.", I tell her, and she smiles at me pleased. Jesus, this woman is unyielding.

"Great, now that we've cleared that up, I think Will wants to talk to you about something, Taylor. In the meantime, my son and I have to discuss something." I feel Dave removing his hand from my body and I walk out of the kitchen to Wifi who is still sitting at the table on the patio.

"You wanted to talk to me", I say as I step out of the house and Wifi nods.

"Yeah, I heard what happened up there today.", he tells me as I sit down opposite of him.

"Which part are you referring to?"

"To the part where you almost blacked out." He gets up from his seat and walks over to the bar he has installed outside. Wifis gets two beers out of the fridge. Oh yeah that part – I almost forgot about that... not.

"Did everyone hear it on the radio?"

"Nope. He turned the transmitter off, right before it happened. I mean I could hear that your breathing picked up, but then everything went silent. You got me worried, kiddo.", he says and puts one of the beers in front of me and then sits back down on his chair and leans back. I wouldn't have thought that Dave was that aware of the situation to even turn off communication with the tower.

"Was that the reason why you were down on the field?" When I saw him there today, I wasn't sure what he was doing. But I get it now.

"I wanted to make sure, that you are okay. As long as you are here in Fallon, you are my responsibility and I want to keep your safe."

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