Meeting the little ones

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Y/N has been non-stop job hunting since she was recently let go due to budget cuts from her previous job. This made everything so stressful as bills, rent, or anything that requires money keeps piling on. As she looks through so many job search apps/newspapers/websites, she finally sees something that catches her eye. A job listing saying "HELP WANTED- Daycare helper: great pay, relocation assistance, full benefits, the whole nine yards.
Requirements are:
-previous childcare experience
-able to help make meals
-willing to look after multiple children
-accommodating to the children's needs
-able to help keep the children entertained while teaching the curriculum
-willing to do a background check
All of this is familiar to Y/N as her job before was a pre-school teacher's assistant. She did not hesitate to fill out that application before making dinner. Some time passes and she is just down getting ready to go to bed before she receives a phone call from a random number. As she answers, she gets a bit anxious from hoping it was a job offer. "Hello?" She questions. "Hello! Is this Y/N L/N?" The person on the phone questioned their self. "Yes, this is she." "Wonderful! So I just saw that you were interested in the Daycare helper position, is that correct?" "Yes, I was very impressed by what the job had to offer, plus with my experience, it just seemed fitting to apply." "Well, after some researching and going through many applications, we have decided to go with you as our perfect candidate." "Oh my goodness, that's amazing! Thank you so much!" "Now, the only question is is that when can you move to this area to get started?" "I can get there as soon as possible, I think a change of scenery would do me some good." "Fantastic! So just to note, keep a lookout for emails from us to get more information and to also help you get started on the move to be closer to Welcome Home Daycare." "I will. Thank you so much! I very much appreciate it!" "My pleasure! Congratulations and see you very soon! When you arrive, just ask for Amanda, I'll come and get you prepped." "No problem, have a good night!" She said with a huge grin on her face as she hung up the phone. She could leap with joy right now as her troubles can finally come to an end. She couldn't fall asleep from all of her excitement. "Everything is going to work out..." she kept telling herself as drowsiness finally reached her.

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